I'm up for starting a new game on a Tiny map so we can hopefully contact other civs quickly and have some early diplomacy.
Here are the conditions:
Players: 5
World Size: Tiny
Barbarian Activity: Raging
Land Mass: Pangea
Water Coverage: 60%
Climate: Arid
Temperature: Cool
Age: 3 Billion
Difficulty: Deity
Mass Regicide
1. SirOsis (Arabia) - sirosis@hotmail.com
2. Wittlich (Aztecs) - wittlich at sbcglobal dot net
3. kermit_the_frog (Vikings) - wrtc_f555 at hotmail dot com
4. Anatolia (English) - euphrates at kornet dot net
5. Paddy the Scot (Chinese) - contact sirosis or paddy
To mix it up even more the civs will be random and your start position is final. I realize this might cause some imbalances but I hope that your diplomatic skills will save your butt. I would also like to shoot for a turn a day at least. With 5 players it shouldn't be too bad.
If interested you know where to post.
Here are the conditions:
Players: 5
World Size: Tiny
Barbarian Activity: Raging
Land Mass: Pangea
Water Coverage: 60%
Climate: Arid
Temperature: Cool
Age: 3 Billion
Difficulty: Deity
Mass Regicide
1. SirOsis (Arabia) - sirosis@hotmail.com
2. Wittlich (Aztecs) - wittlich at sbcglobal dot net
3. kermit_the_frog (Vikings) - wrtc_f555 at hotmail dot com
4. Anatolia (English) - euphrates at kornet dot net
5. Paddy the Scot (Chinese) - contact sirosis or paddy
To mix it up even more the civs will be random and your start position is final. I realize this might cause some imbalances but I hope that your diplomatic skills will save your butt. I would also like to shoot for a turn a day at least. With 5 players it shouldn't be too bad.
If interested you know where to post.