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Power Block PBEM 1 (OPD vs GhengisFarb)

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  • #16
    How about no founding cities where their 20 tile radius will compete with another civ's existing city radius?

    Sent to OPD.

    My Vikings got tired and settled in the middle of a desert.


    • #17
      I haven't got the save ,

      don't know whether I sent it and didn't post or didn't get this last one........
      Are we having fun yet?


      • #18
        All send you the last one I had.


        • #19
          cheers, back to ya,

          no cities within enemy radius unless at war???

          My expansionist civ is also screwed in terms of land,
          Are we having fun yet?


          • #20
            Originally posted by OPD
            My expansionist civ is also screwed in terms of land,
            Until 0 AD. I have one civ on an island so small they've all explored it. The whole thing. With one Warrior. And don't even start me on the Vikings.............



            • #21
              lol, already explored it all. better start that GL prebuild.

              I haven't popped any huts so far with a scout although I have been kinda lucky with another nation

              Are we having fun yet?


              • #22
                I haven't received it yet. That island civ I've pretty much written off. They got space for maybe two average cities. The Vikings are at a huge disadvantage. I will have to win with 2.5 civs!


                • #23
                  yeah a got a notification of email delay,

                  2 city island thats tough I guess we should do something to even things out???
                  Are we having fun yet?


                  • #24
                    I had thought about the gifting cities idea you have been discussing but it then occured to me that all the cultural city improvements will be destroyed when the city is handed over won't they? So no temples, libraries, etc and GW's won't generate culture for any civ except the original builder. Also the cultural border will collapse. Or am I missing something here?
                    Never give an AI an even break.


                    • #25
                      You are definately right about the GWs creating no culture for any other civ. I am unsure as to whether cultural borders collapse when a city is gifted. I'll make a little test scenario to see what happens...
                      I make movies. Come check 'em out.


                      • #26
                        I wonder if food storage is reset when a gifted city is recieved?

                        I'm guessing production has to be reset...
                        But even so if you were to build capitals relatively close you could gift all cities of all four nations around each turn and as commerce is after diplo in the turn order, I'm pretty sure you could therefore quadruple commerce
                        Are we having fun yet?


                        • #27
                          Yeah, you would lose all culture producing improvements and the city "remembers" how much culture each civ that has owned it has generated there and has radius in accordance with its owner.



                          • #28

                            so how would you like to balance starts then Ghengis?
                            Are we having fun yet?


                            • #29
                              Did you recieve this one?
                              Are we having fun yet?


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by OPD
                                so how would you like to balance starts then Ghengis?
                                No need, if I get wiped out I'll just blame on the starts and claim "there's no way OPD could have beat me. It was the map..............."

                                Sorry for the delay, I found a game more addictive than Civ3 and it took a lot of effort for me to take the cd out of the computer..............


