Players (in order of play):
Nuke Boy of the Egyptians - nukeboy1960_at_aol_dot_com
ricketyclik of the Chinese - ricketyclik_at_webone_dot_com_dot_au
Zalek of the Persians - zalek_at_interia_dot_pl
snotty of the Americans - snotty128 at hotmail dot com
superkozi of the Ottomans - superkozi at interia dot pl
Created by: ricketyclik
Regular Map, all map variables set to the middle, pangea/archepelago?
Victory Conditions: Standard
Difficulty: Monarch
All of the above settings are open to discussion before we begin. Let me know your email addresses and tribe choices, and I'll edit them in.
Players (in order of play):
Nuke Boy of the Egyptians - nukeboy1960_at_aol_dot_com
ricketyclik of the Chinese - ricketyclik_at_webone_dot_com_dot_au
Zalek of the Persians - zalek_at_interia_dot_pl
snotty of the Americans - snotty128 at hotmail dot com
superkozi of the Ottomans - superkozi at interia dot pl
Created by: ricketyclik
Regular Map, all map variables set to the middle, pangea/archepelago?
Victory Conditions: Standard
Difficulty: Monarch
All of the above settings are open to discussion before we begin. Let me know your email addresses and tribe choices, and I'll edit them in.