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Earth PBEM, thread #3
In the last years the Persian Empire was swept by great political turmoil. The people and leadership of the largest, richest and most powerful Empire on Earth were divided on the crucial issue of expansion.
The doves faction was led by Prime Minister Xerxes, who lead Persia since the founding of Persepolis. The doves supported the strengthening of economic and diplomatic ties, investment in infra-structure and terrain improvement and free trade with the nations of the world.
The hawks, led by General Darius, the commander of the Indian Guard, claimed that the Persian Empire was standing in front of a window of opportunity, one that it cannot miss. They demanded the use of the Persian military might.
Traditionally, the hawks were a tiny minority. In the recent decades though, popular support for Darius skyrocketed and PM Xerxes, fearing a revolution, exiled him out of Persia, to the Mongolian desert. That was 385AD.
386 AD - Contact with the Mountain Reconnaissance division is lost.
387 AD - An expedition sent to the Mongolian Desert never returns.
389 AD - PM Xerxes announces a plan to reduce the size of the Persian Army. "Coins, not guns!" he exclaims. The disbandment of units is scheduled to start at 391 AD.
21 February 390 AD - Persia celebrates the birthday of the Guardian God Eli. Crowds of people party in Persepolis. PM Xerxes is having a ceremony at the Palace. The city gates are wide open, sentries are drunk and tired.
21 February 390 AD 20:00 - The Mountain Reconnaissance division, led by General Darius breaks into the city. Panic ensues. The cavalries charge into the Palace, Xerxes is hanged.
22 February 390 AD - General Darius declares himself Prime Minister. The news spread across the Empire.
27 February 390 AD - The Eastern Border Defense Force declares allegiance to Prime Minister Darius.
2 March 390 AD - The First and Third Armies declare allegiance to Prime Minister Darius.
21 March 390 AD - Exactly one month after the coup. All military forces, all city garrisons, all diplomats and all city mayors now recognize PM Darius as the legal ruler of the Persian Empire.
I declare war on Russia.
Persian War Report 390AD:
The City of Tzarigrad was protected by three obsolete units and captured easily.
The City of Varna surrendered without battle.
Two enemy workers were captured near Sofia by Persian military scouts.
Persian Injuries : 1.
Persian KIAs : 0.
To all nations on Earth :
Stay out of this. The Persian military is capable of fighting and winning a war on all 4 fronts combined. Huge reserve armies are stationed all across the empire.
Any hostility against Persia will invite an overwhelming military force to march through the rubble of your capital.
Thank you.
Sent."Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.
Americans and Persians mail route was compromised and press got a hold of some letters.
In the Persian letter Persia threatens America not to try help Other Civs anymore.
Americans dont like this and send some military advice to other civs + they send a letter to Persia which indicates that Persia will propably win the game anyway, so theres no point in delaying the inevitable, lets have some funWhere's the declaration of war, Darius
Other News: The war criminal, prisoner, Atztec worker Dissident is set at 24 h guard because of the rumoured 'Special Forces invasion' on our Cuba prison camps
The Persian Empire proposes the feeble Russian state to end the suffering of it's citizens. Pass all your cities to Persian control and remove all forces from Moscow.
By delaying the inevitable you are causing a catastrophe to you own people."Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.