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Naval PBEM - Turn Thread 2

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  • Originally posted by GhengisFarb
    And hopefully Sir Ralph is happy now.
    Why should I be happy? Because you sent your turn?

    I'm sober today, by the way. Only exhausted a bit from a long walk, and from the helluva furnace that stands here. About 35°C, that's 95F for you heathens, and it's certainly not my work temperature.


    • Originally posted by Sir Ralph

      Why should I be happy? Because you sent your turn?
      You'll see when you get the save.

      All hail the vast Germanic Fleets as they move outward!


      • Could it be you met my poor beaten up "Crown Jewel"? Well, I hope I get the save soon.


        • Originally posted by Sir Ralph
          Could it be you met my poor beaten up "Crown Jewel"? Well, I hope I get the save soon.
          I should seriously consider naming my ships....

          I guess I could go with Old Leaky, Sea Carcass, Driftwood, Minnow, Soggy Biscuit, Lost Captain, Typhoon Bait, and the Little Guppie.


          • You should definitely do so. It's fun. And if you make a website as I do, it's mandantory.
            Attached Files


            • Sent.
              "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


              • 550 bc sent to sir ralph


                • 550BC to ADG.

                  Was that some kind of a joke, Ghengis?


                  • Turn played
                    This space is empty... or is it?


                    • Originally posted by Sir Ralph
                      Was that some kind of a joke, Ghengis?


                      • I haven't seen anything special, neither a ship of yours nor your face in the diplo screen. If you spotted my galley (as I supposed), you have to make contact explicitly.


                        • to Ghengis
                          Never give an AI an even break.


                          • Originally posted by Sir Ralph
                            I haven't seen anything special, neither a ship of yours nor your face in the diplo screen. If you spotted my galley (as I supposed), you have to make contact explicitly.
                            No, I corrected the spelling of Brandenburg. You misunderstood, although I wished I had made contact, that would have been far more exciting.

                            Sent to Eli.

                            Hey, you still want a Lord British leaderhead? I just finished a leaderhead today so it looks like I'm in the Leaderhead business again.


                            • Sent.
                              "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


                              • sorry for the delay, there is no reasonable excuse except my absent-mindedness.

                                However, 530 bc has been sent this morning to sir ralph

