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World War II in Europe - tracker thread II

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  • #46
    dohh, At least I know my Marines work!
    Hmmm, now to work on defence.....


    • #47
      Originally posted by adamsaka
      dohh, At least I know my Marines work!
      Do they work against the next version of Infantry as well?

      Originally posted by adamsaka
      Hmmm, now to work on defence.....
      A word of advice: Run. Very, very fast.
      Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


      • #48
        Spainish Inf 4/4 attacks English tank 1/3 - English tank dismissed
        4th H/Bomber Sqd attacks Casablanca, some citizens killed.
        5th H/Bomber Sqd attacks French BC Dunkerque 5/5 - 5th H/Bomber Sqd shot down
        1st Tank 4/4 attacks French Inf 4/4 in Casablanca - 1st Tank 2/4, French Inf dismissed, Casablanca left in Ruins

        to Soltz
        Gurka 17, People of the Valley
        I am of the Horde.


        • #49
          Even a fool is thought wise if he remains silent.


          • #50

            The English army may be weakend and on it's last legs, but it's gonna go down fighting.

            Atil - Cherbourg - Inj
            Atil - Cherbourg - Inj
            Atil - Cherbourg - Inj
            Nav - Cherbourg - Inj
            Bomb - Cherbourg - Inj
            Bomb - Cherbourg - Failed
            Bomb - Cherbourg - Inj
            Bomb - Cherbourg - Inj
            (more bombs, lost exact count)
            Nav S Oporto - Road Cut
            Marines attack cherborg - Pazar Army Killed - CHERBOURG CAPTURED
            Nav - Army S Cherboirg - Inj
            Nav - Army S Cherboirg - Inj
            Bomb - Army S Cherboirg - Shot Down
            Bomb - Army S Cherboirg - Inj
            Bomb - Army S Cherboirg - Fail
            Bomb - Army S Cherboirg - Fail
            Bomb - Army S Cherboirg - Inj
            Bomb - Army S Cherboirg - Fail
            Bomb - Army S Cherboirg - Fail
            Modern Armor - Attacks Panzar Army - MA lost
            Modern Armor - Attacks Panzar Army - Pazar Army Killed
            Atil captured
            Nav N Murcia - Failed
            Nav S Tours - Failed


            • #51

              The French army may be down and weakend, but it will go down running as fast as it can.

              Nav S Jeruselum - Fail
              Atil Spanish at Oran - Inj
              Nav S Barcelona - Failed
              Calvalry attacks Spanish - Retreated
              Tank attacks Spanish - Lost


              • #52
                Former USSR - Now; United Soviet Republic of Siberia

                --Turn Sent--


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Modo44

                  Do they work against the next version of Infantry as well?
                  A word of advice: Run. Very, very fast.
                  Umm, it would appear they beat Panzar armies
                  Ohh, and the French are running.....


                  • #54
                    German battle report, February 1943

                    Originally posted by adamsaka
                    The French army may be down and weakend, but it will go down running as fast as it can.

                    Originally posted by adamsaka
                    Umm, it would appear they beat Panzar armies
                    No wonder. Those are actually quite weak on defense. Only now can I afford to put them in jeopardy.

                    Fights this turn:

                    • Barcelona 663. 2 Bombing runs against Dunkerque (CA), no effect.

                    Norwegian Partisans:
                    • Trondheim. Artillery barrage: units damaged. 1 SS Panzer attack: 1 Guerilla destroyed, Trondheim captured.

                    • Brest 99. Artillery barrage: Battleship (had no name ) down to 1 HP. 1 Bombing run: Battleship sunk.
                    • Cherbourg 7. Bombing run: Bomber shot down.

                    • Jyvaskyla. 1 SS Panzer attack: 1 Guerilla destroyed.

                    Over to Paddy.
                    Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


                    • #55
                      5th Bomber Sqd attacks French Inf 4/4 in Oran - French Inf 2/4
                      3rd Bomber Sqd attacks Oran - citizens killed
                      9th Bomber Sqd attacks French Inf 4/4 in Oran - French Inf 3/4
                      4th Heavy Bomber Sqd attacks French Inf 3/4 in Oran - French Inf dismissed
                      1st Heavy Bomber Sqd attacks French Inf 2/4 in Oran - French Inf dismissed
                      2nd Heavy Bomber Sqd attacks English Cruiser HMS Effingham 4/4 - English Cruiser HMS Effingham 3/4
                      Spainish Inf 4/4 attacks Oran. French artillary opens fire. Spainish Inf 3/4
                      Spainish Inf 3/4 attacks French Cav 1/5 in Oran - French Cav dismissed
                      Oran Razed

                      Save sent to Lord Commander Soltz
                      Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                      I am of the Horde.


                      • #56
                        Nothing of note to report.

                        Turn passed to the English
                        Even a fool is thought wise if he remains silent.


                        • #57

                          Marine - Flak E Brest - Wins (about 6 atil captured)
                          Nav Brest - Inj
                          Nav Brest - Inj
                          Nav Brest - Fighter Killed
                          Bomb Brest - Inj
                          Marines - Brest - Pazy Killed
                          Marines - Brest - Lost
                          Marines - Brest - Lost
                          Marines - Brest - Lost
                          Nav S Brest - Road Cut
                          Nav N Oporto - Failed


                          • #58

                            Nav S Jersalem - Rail Cut
                            Nav S Jersalem - Failed
                            Bomb Spanish Stack - Inj
                            Bomb Spanish Stack - Inj
                            Cat Wine at Barcelona


                            • #59

                              Injured a Pazar.

                              --Turn Sent--


                              • #60
                                German battler report, March 1943

                                Fights this turn:

                                • Brest 36. VIII Armee Korps (3 x SS Panzer) attacks: 1 Marine destroyed.
                                • St Nazaire 4441. 1 Fighter attack: no effect. 1 U-Boot attack: 1 Destroyer sunk.

                                • South of Marseille. 2 Bombing runs: Dunkerque (CA) damaged.
                                • Suez. 3 SS Panzer attacks: 1 Infantry destroyed, 1 Tank destroyed, 1 Flak destroyed. IV "Afrika" Korps attacks: 2 Riflemen destroyed, Suez captured.
                                • Suez 7. V Armee Korps attacks: 1 Rifleman destroyed.

                                • Rybinks 663. 1 Cavalry attack: 1 Rifleman destroyed.

                                It might be that no invasion of England will be necessary — Germany is close to hitting a Domination Victory.
                                Seriously. Kung freaking fu.

