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Somebody Come And Play - Today tracker

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  • Somebody Come And Play - Today tracker

    Civ | Player | email
    Spain | John-SJ | jdulleck * pacbell * net
    Portugal | McMeadows | verweg * hot mail * com
    France | Daddy-O | theidiots * yahoo * com
    England | Beta |

    Grandpa Troll has offered his services as a regular if needed.

    Ground Rules
    *We will all play as Old World civs.
    *No attacking Old World civs in the Old World. (We are much too civilized for that kind of behavior.)
    *No palace jumping to the New World.
    *No diplo or trades with the AI until turn 2. (I have heard rumors that trades are very unfair with the AI during turn 1)
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Daddy-O; December 21, 2005, 15:16.
    Banano Laŭrajta Registaro en Ekzilo - Bananoj gismorte!| Cows O' Plenty|Wish List For ciV | Ming on Spammers: ...And, how do you know that I'm not just spamming by answering him |"This is all about peace; and in the quest for peace you have none." -my son wise beyond his years

  • #2
    another place holder
    Attached Files
    Banano Laŭrajta Registaro en Ekzilo - Bananoj gismorte!| Cows O' Plenty|Wish List For ciV | Ming on Spammers: ...And, how do you know that I'm not just spamming by answering him |"This is all about peace; and in the quest for peace you have none." -my son wise beyond his years


    • #3
      The save is sent to John-SJ but he might want to restart since I know his pwd.
      Banano Laŭrajta Registaro en Ekzilo - Bananoj gismorte!| Cows O' Plenty|Wish List For ciV | Ming on Spammers: ...And, how do you know that I'm not just spamming by answering him |"This is all about peace; and in the quest for peace you have none." -my son wise beyond his years


      • #4
        I hope I did this right, 1490 to Daddy-O.


        • #5
          Sorry for the delay. Small family emergency. I should get to it soon.

          John. I think you did fine.
          Banano Laŭrajta Registaro en Ekzilo - Bananoj gismorte!| Cows O' Plenty|Wish List For ciV | Ming on Spammers: ...And, how do you know that I'm not just spamming by answering him |"This is all about peace; and in the quest for peace you have none." -my son wise beyond his years


          • #6
            oops. It's McMeadows turn. I'll forward the email.
            Banano Laŭrajta Registaro en Ekzilo - Bananoj gismorte!| Cows O' Plenty|Wish List For ciV | Ming on Spammers: ...And, how do you know that I'm not just spamming by answering him |"This is all about peace; and in the quest for peace you have none." -my son wise beyond his years


            • #7
              Originally posted by John-SJ
              I hope I did this right,
              If you are referring to your avatar - absolutely!
              Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


              • #8
                Houston, we have a problem!

                I pm'ed McMeadows to see if there was a reason that he had not played his turn and got a response back that the turn would not load. He asked if I had seen his email response to me II did not, I just checked) but still, I have no idea what I might have done to cause a problem, all I did was email the turn that was created as a result of playing my turn.


                • #9
                  OK. Which version is everyone playing.

                  I have Civ3 Complete, I believe that is v1.22. I have had no problems loading turns in other PBEMs and demo games.

                  Should we start this again?

                  Since Spain plays first, do you want to start and be the admin? Or, I could try again.
                  Banano Laŭrajta Registaro en Ekzilo - Bananoj gismorte!| Cows O' Plenty|Wish List For ciV | Ming on Spammers: ...And, how do you know that I'm not just spamming by answering him |"This is all about peace; and in the quest for peace you have none." -my son wise beyond his years


                  • #10
                    I have original Civ3 with patch plus each expansion and the patches applied to each expansion. I have the patch fro Conquests, 1.22

                    I could try doing the start and see what happens. Care to give me a quick heads up on things I should look out for?


                    • #11
                      Perhaps I spoke too soon yesterday.

                      I tried starting the PBEM game last night, was able to select the scenario, but got stuck on how to assign nations to players. I struggled with it for a time and finally gave up.


                      • #12
                        It is a bit goofy for Conquests. You click on the number to the Left of the players' names until the the correct civ appears at the right. You would think you could just use the drop down but you can't.
                        Banano Laŭrajta Registaro en Ekzilo - Bananoj gismorte!| Cows O' Plenty|Wish List For ciV | Ming on Spammers: ...And, how do you know that I'm not just spamming by answering him |"This is all about peace; and in the quest for peace you have none." -my son wise beyond his years


                        • #13
                          Trying Again

                          Okay, I got the game set up, seemingly, and took my first turn. I sent the save along to McMeadows, who, hopefully, will be able to open this save file.

                          *keeps his fingers crossed*


                          • #14
                            Re: Trying Again

                            Originally posted by John-SJ
                            Okay, I got the game set up, seemingly, and took my first turn. I sent the save along to McMeadows, who, hopefully, will be able to open this save file.

                            *keeps his fingers crossed*
                            Time will tell.
                            Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


                            • #15
                              * my fingers are still crossed.
                              Banano Laŭrajta Registaro en Ekzilo - Bananoj gismorte!| Cows O' Plenty|Wish List For ciV | Ming on Spammers: ...And, how do you know that I'm not just spamming by answering him |"This is all about peace; and in the quest for peace you have none." -my son wise beyond his years

