They came from all over the modern world, they came for victory, they came for glory, they came to play some civ 
Grandpa Troll - Emperor of all he can ever want - Rome
Plato - Master of the great Elephant people - Carthage
Ljube - Lord of Mt Zeus - Macedon
Paddy - Scarey bloke with a flying carpet - Persia
Celts - AI
Goths - AI
Scthia - AI
Egypt - AI
800 gold for all
Locked wars removed.

Grandpa Troll - Emperor of all he can ever want - Rome
Plato - Master of the great Elephant people - Carthage
Ljube - Lord of Mt Zeus - Macedon
Paddy - Scarey bloke with a flying carpet - Persia
Celts - AI
Goths - AI
Scthia - AI
Egypt - AI
800 gold for all
Locked wars removed.