The Hindnburg Hotel Has opened on the Northern Island! In celebration, all are invited to a Party at THE BAR IS OPEN on the northern tipf the Southern Island! Panzer Party up north!
28 Panzer units and 3 Panzer army groups have siezed the southern city once again. A fierce counter attack ensued, but our forces held! The enemy has moved many units into position to counterattack again this next turn. Close to 50 bombers will support our troops and an additional 24 Panzer Units are landing near the next city north. The enemy will havesome interesting choices!
1100AD To Paddy!
28 Panzer units and 3 Panzer army groups have siezed the southern city once again. A fierce counter attack ensued, but our forces held! The enemy has moved many units into position to counterattack again this next turn. Close to 50 bombers will support our troops and an additional 24 Panzer Units are landing near the next city north. The enemy will havesome interesting choices!
1100AD To Paddy!
