Russia has brought this upon herself, by attacking a neighbour. Too bad.
We welcome the French troops in Austrian territory. However, since you are guests, you should remember acting like some. Meaning, we require that shortest paths between cities are always left open, regardless of the situation of the French army. This is especially vital in places with few roads. Leave a way through between Belgrade, Orsovo, Sofia, and Skopje.
Oh, yeah, the glorious Austrian forces have kicked the Ottomen out of Skopje.
(By the skin of our teeth, but hey - we did it.
Septemer 1805 to Grandpa Troll.
We welcome the French troops in Austrian territory. However, since you are guests, you should remember acting like some. Meaning, we require that shortest paths between cities are always left open, regardless of the situation of the French army. This is especially vital in places with few roads. Leave a way through between Belgrade, Orsovo, Sofia, and Skopje.
Oh, yeah, the glorious Austrian forces have kicked the Ottomen out of Skopje.

(By the skin of our teeth, but hey - we did it.

Septemer 1805 to Grandpa Troll.