From the dust, smoke and ashes of yesteryear a heroe came forth to help those in need, those who had been victimised...
well thanks be that this ain't his story
here eight civilizations try to out smart themselves and any silly blighters in tights to win the day
Paddy the Scot = America
(after the below pic I felt obligated)
Beta = Japanese
Grandpa Troll = Egypt
AI 1 = French
AI 2 = Ottomen
AI 3 = China
AI 4 = Greeks
AI 5 = Korea
ok so lets here how we sort this options out
I know you both have sent me details
time to discuss
well thanks be that this ain't his story
here eight civilizations try to out smart themselves and any silly blighters in tights to win the day
Paddy the Scot = America

(after the below pic I felt obligated)
Beta = Japanese
Grandpa Troll = Egypt
AI 1 = French
AI 2 = Ottomen
AI 3 = China
AI 4 = Greeks
AI 5 = Korea
ok so lets here how we sort this options out
I know you both have sent me details
time to discuss
