You can pick your friends
but not your relatives
Welcome to a strange version of Europe

and as we know only too well...
these old houses that are so inter-related just can not get along

here we find them all in a new land...
yet are they still holding on to all those old prejudices???
A pangea with all the elements for a great game.
Roaming Barbarians.
Standard map.
60 % water.
Default Victory Conditions.

We have all the usual suspects -

His Highness Christoper of England
Her Majesty Remick of France
Prince Paddy of the Netherlands
Czarina Catherine of Russia (ai)
Lord Alexander of Greece (ai)
Chancellor Bismark of Germany (ai)
Queen Isabella of Spain (ai)
The Caesar of Rome (ai)
so who of these great houses will prevail?

what say thee - are yee all bigots

it will be fun finding out
