With just a touch of gasoline to snoopy.
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Europe in Flames - Starting to Burn Nicely
1450 BC to beta...
As the Dutch have embassies with all nations, they're probably allowed to announce the French have razed an Ottoman city, which was connected to an ivory source. So our sailors tell the story. In Amsterdam eyebrows are frowned upon the aggression displayed by the untill now high esteemed French.
Furthermore, vice-czar Rommel2D is extended a warm welcome. May he reign with wisdom and in prosperity during the absence of czar alexman. And prosperous it must be on the continent also inhabited by the people of Germany, guided by chancellor Arnelos.don't worry about things you have no influence on...
I must set the record straight. The French have razed no cities. They were razed before we got there.
And I am happy to declare that a peace treaty between the French and the Ottomans is imminent.
Save to Sultan snoopy. Mey he live long and prosper.Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.
My ivory city was indeed abandoned by those without hope who inhabited its walls. Perhaps it will be rejoined now that peace reigns, but perhaps not. Only time will tell.
Save to rommel.<Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.