Dual Dynasty
Play order:
Beta: Sumeria
Beta II: China
Theseus: Egypt
Theseus II: Hittites
Rhothaerill: Celts
Rhothaerill II: Russians
Paddy: Mayans
Paddy II: English
World size - large
Barbarians - restless
Landmass - Pangaea
Water coverage - random
Climate, Temp, Age - random, random, random
Difficulty level - deity
Standard pbem rules. No out of game contact until in game contact, and ditto for map trading.
Good luck to all!
Play order:
Beta: Sumeria
Beta II: China
Theseus: Egypt
Theseus II: Hittites
Rhothaerill: Celts
Rhothaerill II: Russians
Paddy: Mayans
Paddy II: English
World size - large
Barbarians - restless
Landmass - Pangaea
Water coverage - random
Climate, Temp, Age - random, random, random
Difficulty level - deity
Standard pbem rules. No out of game contact until in game contact, and ditto for map trading.
Good luck to all!
