The earth trembles and quakes with fear, as we are taken back to the time of
Cuitalahuac, the Merciless Aztec Woman-Splitter, and
Pacal, the Bloodthirsty Mayan Slave-Eater
With intruders on our continent from the strange and far-away societies of India, Celtania and the Zulu, together with raging barbarians to assist them, we call upon the gods of war to deliver us from these evil people.
World: Pangea
Size: Tiny
Water: 60%
Temp: Warm
Climate: Wet
Age: 3 billion
Barbs: Raging
Aqualung: Aztecs
Paddy: Maya
AI: India, Celts and Zulu
Let our Pagan gods allow us to prevail over these barbaric.....errrr.....pagans
Cuitalahuac, the Merciless Aztec Woman-Splitter, and
Pacal, the Bloodthirsty Mayan Slave-Eater
With intruders on our continent from the strange and far-away societies of India, Celtania and the Zulu, together with raging barbarians to assist them, we call upon the gods of war to deliver us from these evil people.
World: Pangea
Size: Tiny
Water: 60%
Temp: Warm
Climate: Wet
Age: 3 billion
Barbs: Raging
Aqualung: Aztecs
Paddy: Maya
AI: India, Celts and Zulu

Let our Pagan gods allow us to prevail over these barbaric.....errrr.....pagans
