I saw barbarian horsemen sack one of your northern cities. My condolences to you. My swordsmen are now moving up there to attack the savages.
No announcement yet.
The Flight of the Pheonix
Greetings to the Courageous Celts!
Our Egyptian thinkers have figured out a system for borrowing and lending money that we call Banking and we have shared this with you that you might become rich and prosperous. Our wise men are now trying to propose a theory about how all this money business works and the fledgling 'science' is called Economics. When we have worked out the details we will share our findings with you.
Our pacifist Egyptian goverment notes with some concern that your nation has been at war for many hundreds of years. We call upon you to make peace with your neighbours and devote your nation's vast resources to making your people happy and learning more about the wonderful world in which we live. Other nations are now ahead of us in their scientific endeavours and they are not willing to share. Let us prove ourselves the more enlightened and put away the sword.
To discuss these matters in further detail, I invite you to the city of Paddiopolis for a week-long feast and celebration of our alliance.
Pharoah MasuroFormerly known as Masuro.
The sun never sets on a PBEM game.
Wow a feast - excellent
thank you for this great new technology
my people would like to share with you navigation and some maps we have gathered around the globe
peace should be obtained - you are so so right
630ad - a time of wonder indeed
Thank you for the lovely maps and the means of actually finding those places in ships.
My rather obsolete but brave unit of swordsmen have put an end to the barbarian threat in your north. They will soon return home to retire.
I hope that your neighbours are willing to make peace with you.
Masuro of the Egyptians.Formerly known as Masuro.
The sun never sets on a PBEM game.