My problem is that the Japanese have ruthlessly attacked my people in Nottingham!!!
We demand you return control of this city imediately, if you desire peace that is. We paid a price for that city who do you think you are to just take it.
Where was your declaration of war ???
You will pay for your crimes, unless you return the city to us imediately!!!
Nations of the world the Japanese sneak attacked an undefended city, who will you choose to trust in future trade and diplomacy contacts ?
We will wipe the smile off the faces of the cowardly Japanese if they fail to return our sovereign territory!!!
Byzantium calls on all civilized nations to form a crusade against these treacherous rebels !!
All production in our fair lands has been altered to prepare for retribution, you have been warned.
We have the Lighthouse and our naval assets are able to swiftly redeploy opur forces!!!
We demand you return control of this city imediately, if you desire peace that is. We paid a price for that city who do you think you are to just take it.
Where was your declaration of war ???
You will pay for your crimes, unless you return the city to us imediately!!!
Nations of the world the Japanese sneak attacked an undefended city, who will you choose to trust in future trade and diplomacy contacts ?
We will wipe the smile off the faces of the cowardly Japanese if they fail to return our sovereign territory!!!
Byzantium calls on all civilized nations to form a crusade against these treacherous rebels !!
All production in our fair lands has been altered to prepare for retribution, you have been warned.
We have the Lighthouse and our naval assets are able to swiftly redeploy opur forces!!!