Hey ... I'm a civ veteran (since civ 1) who's not played much multiplayer, and never PBEM. I'd like to play a PBEM game against some person or persons who aren't too advanced of players, to get an idea of how this goes and to have some fun. 
I'm in USA (Central time zone), and usually am online at night (6-8pm CDT to 10-11pm CDT depending on the day), so it will go faster if you're online at these times as well (this is -6 GMT i believe, so this is like midnight to 6am GMT roughly). I'd like to play with 1-3 others (2-4 person game), no AI, at first, with standard rules, minus the silly wins (diplomacy, culture), random map on tiny or the next one up, 60% water, either pangea or larger islands.
Please post here and/or email me snoopy369 at yahoo period com if you are interested.

I'm in USA (Central time zone), and usually am online at night (6-8pm CDT to 10-11pm CDT depending on the day), so it will go faster if you're online at these times as well (this is -6 GMT i believe, so this is like midnight to 6am GMT roughly). I'd like to play with 1-3 others (2-4 person game), no AI, at first, with standard rules, minus the silly wins (diplomacy, culture), random map on tiny or the next one up, 60% water, either pangea or larger islands.
Please post here and/or email me snoopy369 at yahoo period com if you are interested.
