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PTW North America

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  • #31
    i'm in two games Romans now, if i knew i would choose otherwise, will we clean this mess?
    Map creation contest
    WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet


    • #32
      I'll go over this again... There are two games, one with me, Rasputin, Awsric, and Mart. The other is Mart, me, Awsric, and jsherl.

      North America does not have Rasputin, Pacific doesn't have jsherl.... At the time I made the Pacific, I didn't have jsherl's e-mail, and I wanted to get them started. Now, the question is, do you want to combine the two games to make it easier on everyone, and just have a group game with three computers and five humans, or continue with the two that we have started?


      • #33
        well i had it sussed.....

        i knew there were two games...

        the pacific rim game is the game i in and i sent the game to mart...

        hopefully mart sent that game on ...
        GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


        • #34
          OK, Mart, for this game, I sent it to you, it was labeled PTW North 4000 BC, and that is the game we are waiting on in this one.... You are supposed to send that onto Awsric....


          • #35
            I am pretty sure the one I got yesturday that we had exchange issues on mart7x5 was the Western-Hemisphere Pacific Rim game as it included Rasputin in Australia as player #2 with the Ottomans and jsherl on the east coast got somehow left out. The idea of the larger 5 human player Western-Hemisphere Pacific Rim game was to include Rasputin in Australia along with the North American players who posted in the new pbem lists. This game would have fit that except for the exception of leaving jsherl out of the game. Too bad for jsherl. Since the game is just beginning we can begin a new with all 5 human players set-up as new or the same Civs. I propose we find out a little better when during the day most players will be available to play their turns in order to better know how to pass the files around and order the players i.e. Awsric Armitage at GMT-6 is open for time constraints for when his turn arrives and can act as a buffer for the NA located time zones, mart7x5 is at GMT-7 but plays after school so we need to narrow those hours down a little better, jsherl is GMT-5 and we do not know when during the day he/she will be playing the turn, Ouru_827 at GMT-9 plays his turn at home but sends his turn from school so we need to know when the turn will be played at home and when the send window is, Rasputin is GMT+10 which is removed more from the North american time zones so if we can work out a good routine of how best to swap files among the North American group then we could better control the flow of the game. Just take this information and load the NA players after or before Rasputin in order that they will likely be able to play and pass to the next player.

            Sounds complicated but really is not that complicated we just need a little more information from each player about when they will play and send their turns along. With the send restrictions it appears that turbo scheduled sessions will not be possible for this game.

            Just some suggestions as to how we proceed from this point and is open for everyones discussions.

            I have not checked the file that I just downloaded that Mart7x5 sent earlier today but will post the players invovled in it and hence the sending order after I play my turn.


            • #36
              we could start a new thread for each game - something like it is in SMAC forum - quite good organization.
              Also i do not want to play two games with the same civ, and almost simultaneous development, and gosh!!! both in the same thread. Forgive me, but i might loose orientation.
              If someone wishes to do it - let us move both games to two new threads - and describe them right. I can do it later, if noone volunteers.
              Map creation contest
              WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet


              • #37
                @mart7x5 there already are two threads going each seperate for each game. The discussions that are occuring in this thread are to figure out exactly which game is which and then we can move the discussion of them to the appropriate threads.

                There was just confusion of what files where what games which I believe that Ouru_827 has solved with his post.

                Files were sent last night back to Ouru_827 for the Pacific Rim game that I apologize I miss named NA but I am sure Ouru_827 can figure this out as he is hosting the two games. That should be the last of the discussion regarding that game in this thread as we now know that set of files and game discussions belongs in another thread. Along with the file sent messages so that we can know the files have been sent in case of email failure and no files recieved situations. In which case either resend or post the files as an attachment to the thread.

                Files sent to jsherl named From Awsric Armitage of the Vickings PTWNAturn1, 4000B.C. to eliminate any confusion. This is the real PTWNA with the following players.

                1. Esdra- Ottomans assuming this is Ouru_827
                2. mart7x5-Romans
                3. Awsric Armitage-Vikings
                4. jsherl-Indians
                5. AIs

                Hope this and Ouru-827's posts clarify any other confusions.


                • #38
                  here is a first-turn save for Ouro_827

                  glad to be in the game.
                  Attached Files
                  Illegitimi Non Carborundum


                  • #39
                    I offered to change the games around, and make it one big game, but no one mentioned anything yesterday, so I didn't bother... If there's a big movement for it, I'm willing to start it all over....


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Awsric Armitage

                      Files sent to jsherl named From Awsric Armitage of the Vickings PTWNAturn1, 4000B.C. to eliminate any confusion. This is the real PTWNA with the following players.

                      1. Esdra- Ottomans assuming this is Ouru_827
                      2. mart7x5-Romans
                      3. Awsric Armitage-Vikings
                      4. jsherl-Indians
                      5. AIs

                      Hope this and Ouru-827's posts clarify any other confusions.
                      There's absolutely no hurry but it would be helpful to have answers to the following sometime:

                      1. What's the patch for PTW we're using?
                      2 What are the map settings, etc.

                      Thanks. Russ
                      Last edited by jshelr; February 17, 2004, 14:43.
                      Illegitimi Non Carborundum


                      • #41
                        I'm using the most recent version patch... which is either 1.27 or 1.29, not sure.... It is max size, Monarch difficulty, Continents, and everything else is random....


                        • #42
                          Hmm...? A double post by accident?


                          • #43
                            I had better get the latest patch. We had been using 1.21 for an earlier pbem game and some fingers and toes will probably fall off by turn 50 if i don't repatch. Thanks
                            Illegitimi Non Carborundum


                            • #44
                              Um, jshelr, the save file you sent me was created with Conquests..... this is a Play The World game..... Do you still have the original? If so, open PTW and play it, if not, ask whoever sent it to you, Awsric I think, to resend...


                              • #45
                                Just in case files sent to jsherl reposted here.
                                Attached Files

