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Looking for Game

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  • Looking for Game

    Howdy, am ADSL in Houston.
    Old Civ3/ ACentauri player with 1.6P4 looking for a good game, have been unlucky so far, been rebooting, have DMZed comp.

    Any good word for a Texas boy?


    PS, I'll be waiting in the pregame lobby
    Last edited by Omnipa; December 15, 2002, 17:09.

  • #2

    Well it is about 8? hours later and I have been in a wonderful game with CivDan, montana, and HMJIC?

    Although I lost horribly I had a tremendous time. I think a little more time spent Gathering a stable group will go far to having good games.

    Things I have learned...Reboot Game after any crashes/ lockups/ or Failed join attempts. Be patched to 1.14f and wait for low pings. I think the ping rate is the killer here, maybe.

    We checked connectivity prior to actual game and it paid off. We did crash a couple of times, but we all calmly rebooted, joined and CivDan loaded the saved game. It does take a while to load up, but resist the urge to "chat" and you will eventually get ther.

    Good Gaming and I hope to see you soon.


