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Direct IP questions

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  • Direct IP questions

    While I'm good Civ3 player, I'm relative newbe in Internet MPing (this does not include Hotseat or LAN which I played often before).

    So can anybody explain me how, in step by step, I should make Direct IP game.

    Since with my 56k connection, Gamespy machmaking is just too slow for me.

  • #2
    1. Get people to play with
    2. Send them your IP number
    3. Start a game locally (I think, am not sure about this part)
    4. The people that you invited press "Direct IP" and fill in the address that you send them
    5. Have fun playing

    There will be others that know more about it that I trust will explain step 3 in more detail.
    Franses (like Ramses).


    • #3
      If you don't know your IP :
      Or Start menu -> execute -> cmd -> ipconfig

      About step 3, just change location to 'Local' in the multiplayer screen, then click 'host'.
      "Great artists have no country."
      -Alfred de Musset


      • #4
        Thanks a lot.

        I wonder thy this was not added in manual?


        • #5
          Had a DirIP PtW experience.
          Quick one on one simult. elimination game on tiny map.

          Much better then normal gamespy matchmaking.

          Especialy considering that in my country, lines are so bad, that real connnection is much lower then 56K (usualy about 28K).

          At least it's stable connection (in night hours).

          And it wokred much better then gamespy matchm. (with had pings usualy from 450-2000, and rarely about 300-400)

          But with DirIP, much better.
          Not lagless, but still very playable.

          By the way,
          Any way to count PINGS when using Dir-IP?


          • #6
            To count Pings run "ping " where is the address you want to know the ping of.

            How much better is it? Personally I do not understand it because I thought that as soon as the game launched gamespy is taken out of the connections. Perhaps that is not true?
            Franses (like Ramses).


            • #7
              Originally posted by Franses
              Perhaps that is not true?
              Nope. That does not appear to be true. Unfortunately.

              Fortunately, they have added Direct IP.
              (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


              • #8
                It wasn't in the manual, 'cause it was added later

                At least now, I know what I was doing wrong.
                I didn't didn't change it to local, thanks for the info
                Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
                Then why call him God? - Epicurus


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Franses
                  To count Pings run "ping " where is the address you want to know the ping of.
                  So if I'm hosting at 333.333.3.333
                  then someone can count my Ping with "ping 333.333.3.333" from DOS-comand line.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by notyoueither
                    Nope. That does not appear to be true. Unfortunately.

                    Fortunately, they have added Direct IP.
                    Othwerwise there would be no point to use DirIP.
                    (gamespy matchmaking is more intuitive)



                    • #11
                      Originally posted by player1

                      So if I'm hosting at 333.333.3.333
                      then someone can count my Ping with "ping 333.333.3.333" from DOS-comand line.
                      That is correct. On a lan you can also use the computername like "ping stephanie" where stephanie is the girl.. hm sorry, the computer you want to know the ping of.
                      Franses (like Ramses).


                      • #12
                        Hi there,

                        Direct IP looks interesting, but I still can figure out how it works.

                        I am using the PtW uk version and I haven't downloaded the patches as I understood that those are for the US version only. (I actually did install them and couldn't start the game, had to reinstall ptw).

                        I just cannot find the direct ip button. Where is it?

                        thanks for helping me out.


                        • #13
                          Key word: PATCH
                          You have to get patches.

                          Direct IP is added in newest patch.

                          Where UK patch can be found?

                          I don't know, but I guess that somebody here knows that.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by player1

                            (gamespy matchmaking is more intuitive)

                            Correct. It is easier to find players in the lobby, but GS gums up the game to a certain extent, unfortunately.
                            (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                            • #15
                              The UK and German patch can be found at

                              look on the right side of the screen for:

                              US-Engl.: 1.14f
                              EU-Engl.: 1.14f
                              Deutsch: 1.14f

                              and click on the relevent link. I can vouch for the UK version working, but cant say for the german one.
                              Safer worlds through superior firepower

