Earlier Thread
snoopy369 - snoopy369 at gmail daht com / Arabia
sir_stenz - marcofranke at web daht de / Ottoman
Krill - chris at jackos daht f2s daht com / Iroquios
Paddy the Scot - paddythescot at vtown daht com daht au / Celts
Theseus - richard at podos daht net / Japan
Double (2-city) elimination
Tiny pangaea, 60% water
Monarch level
Climate/Temperature/Age Random
Roaming Barbarians
Y-Wrapping on
Cultural conversions on
Scientific Great Leaders off
No culturally linked start
Last player must set NoAIPatrol to 0 in their .ini file
The map will be previewed to make sure there are no island starts. All seafaring tribes will be assured of a coastal start
All Parts of Warrior Code included.
A player making any attack must indicate to the defender that it has taken palce and provide a detailed account of each unit's location and resulting damage status.
Games will be played with a new Iron Civer Scenario:
1> SGLs will be turned off. Copernicus’ Observatory is a Scientific Wonder.
2> Basic barbarians are archers. Advanced barbarians are Mounted Warriors.
3> Democracy has free unit support equal to that of the Republic (1/3/4). Corruption for Feudalism reduced to minimal. Secret Police HQ are available to Fascism insead of Communism and becomes available with Industrialization.
4> Artillery, Radar Artillery, Tank, Mechanized Infantry, Modern Armor, and Panzer have wheeled property.
5> Ivory is a strategic resource, with appearance ratio of 160 (the same as Iron and Horses), disappearance ratio of 400 (same as alluminum). Tobacco is a luxury resource.
6> Colosseums can be a Tourist Attraction. [Note: This really isn't as important as the rest of the mods here- its more of an 'indigo' mod. A laurel wreath goes to any master of arcane trivia that can explain what that means...]
7> Espionage is an optional Ancient Era tech requiring only Writing will require Map Making, with a 30 base cost. 'Cursus Publicus' is a new small wonder identical in function to the Intelligence Agency, costing 200 shields, giving 1 culture, available with Espionage and made obsolete by Nationalism. Industrialisation is now the prerequisite for the IA. Steal World Map missions have a base cost of 10 instead of 1.
1625bc currently at Sir Stenz.
snoopy369 - snoopy369 at gmail daht com / Arabia
sir_stenz - marcofranke at web daht de / Ottoman
Krill - chris at jackos daht f2s daht com / Iroquios
Paddy the Scot - paddythescot at vtown daht com daht au / Celts
Theseus - richard at podos daht net / Japan
Double (2-city) elimination
Tiny pangaea, 60% water
Monarch level
Climate/Temperature/Age Random
Roaming Barbarians
Y-Wrapping on
Cultural conversions on
Scientific Great Leaders off
No culturally linked start
Last player must set NoAIPatrol to 0 in their .ini file
The map will be previewed to make sure there are no island starts. All seafaring tribes will be assured of a coastal start
All Parts of Warrior Code included.
A player making any attack must indicate to the defender that it has taken palce and provide a detailed account of each unit's location and resulting damage status.
Games will be played with a new Iron Civer Scenario:
1> SGLs will be turned off. Copernicus’ Observatory is a Scientific Wonder.
2> Basic barbarians are archers. Advanced barbarians are Mounted Warriors.
3> Democracy has free unit support equal to that of the Republic (1/3/4). Corruption for Feudalism reduced to minimal. Secret Police HQ are available to Fascism insead of Communism and becomes available with Industrialization.
4> Artillery, Radar Artillery, Tank, Mechanized Infantry, Modern Armor, and Panzer have wheeled property.
5> Ivory is a strategic resource, with appearance ratio of 160 (the same as Iron and Horses), disappearance ratio of 400 (same as alluminum). Tobacco is a luxury resource.
6> Colosseums can be a Tourist Attraction. [Note: This really isn't as important as the rest of the mods here- its more of an 'indigo' mod. A laurel wreath goes to any master of arcane trivia that can explain what that means...]
7> Espionage is an optional Ancient Era tech requiring only Writing will require Map Making, with a 30 base cost. 'Cursus Publicus' is a new small wonder identical in function to the Intelligence Agency, costing 200 shields, giving 1 culture, available with Espionage and made obsolete by Nationalism. Industrialisation is now the prerequisite for the IA. Steal World Map missions have a base cost of 10 instead of 1.
1625bc currently at Sir Stenz.