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Yet Another Succession Game

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  • James and skrobie, GT and I made a decision to keep the game moving... GT will play next and I will follow - that will get the game to James in his comfort zone for his time zone, if that makes any sense. Hopefully skrobie will be back to pick up from James after that.

    That would make the new order a little more time zone sensical:


    Then skrobie can play the game first thing in the morning after James sends it to him!


    • 2230 B C

      we surveyed and saw that all was good
      Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


      • 2190 B C

        Looking good ..feeling good

        so here we work on our little piece of turf
        Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


        • 2150 B C

          Shaka Zulu completed roadwork southeast of Kwa Zulu- Place of Heaven
          Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


          • 2110 B

            Shaka Zulu starts work on roadway to Golden Bear City Bapedi
            Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


            • 2070 B C

              The sun shines brightly and as yet no one to share with
              Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


              • 2030 B C

                We completed training in Trolldom Kawmi on an IMPI unit, named him Poly Protector

                We then start work on a granary

                In addition we switched Golden Bear City Bapedi to IMPI training from a warrior training
                Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                • 1990 B C

                  Completed road to Golden Bear City Bapedi from Kwa Zulu Place of Heaven.

                  We sent Shaka Zulu back there to start a new mining facility

                  Where the aqua completed mine at Trolldom Kwami
                  Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                  • 1950 B C

                    Wheres the Aqua starts mine in the mountains Northwest of Trolldom Kwami
                    Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                    • 1910 B C

                      back to whistling while we work

                      way down yonder in the land of cotton..old times there..are not..forgotten..look away..look away..look away..

                      /me hollers to all to get back to work..its B-O-R-I-N-G on this Island
                      Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                      • 1870 B C

                        In response to his ruthless uncaring attitude....

                        /me has again kicked over the apple cart and ticked off the people

                        /me is forced to send Poly Protector to suppress trouble makers in Golden Bear City Bapedi

                        tsk tsk tsk
                        I dont understand..I dont beat you to hard..I feed ya every other day

                        Well..Im done for a little while..get some rest for when i return..its..BACK TO WORK!!
                        Attached Files
                        Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                        • next turn

                          please note I marked the turn with the letters






                          Attached Files
                          Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                          • Well GT, I give a rat's patootie!

                            Here's 10 more turns with this island paradise.

                            Before continuing, I adjust sliders to 40-50-10 to harvest 2G since Alpha is one turn away, and to ease the discontent that GT left me with in Golden Bear City.

                            1-1830 Finish Alphabet, after much consideration start Writing. Tempted by CB, Wheel, IW, but figure that MM might be necessary and it keeps us along the line for GL (Hah!).
                            Slider to 0-9-1. Change GBC production to Curragh-1t.

                            2-1790 Place of Heaven finishes granary, start Curragh-3t. GBC finish Curragh start warrior to calm discontent.
                            Curragh named, "Where's the Land?" starts prowling safely CCW around coast.

                            3-1750 WtL keeps prowling. Shaka Trollzu moves 3-3 from PoH to road and mine for GBC.

                            4-1725 S-T roads.

                            5-1700 PoH finish Curragh, "Search Forever," starts Curragh-2t.

                            6-1675 Curraghs search.

                            7-1650 PoH finish Curragh, "Lost Horizon," start settler-4t. GBC finish warrior start Curragh-8t. Slider needs to go to 0-8-2 because Trolldom went to 3 pop with only a single guard. 3-4t away from granary. Where's the Land? starts to suicide north from tip of island.

                            8-1625 WtL survives! but no land . Search Forever suicides NW.

                            9-1600 SF sinks in a lonely and empty ocean. Its light timbers and low freeboard were just not enough to survive on the ocean. Nobody realizes what happened until an empty Jack Daniels bottle with a note in it washes up years later. WtL however survives again by dint of considerable baling and prayer to the Warrior Gods to protect these poor lubbers.

                            10-1575 Cr@p, I forgot to check the slider at the end of the turn and PoH went into chaos. Slider to 0-7-3. We've been running -1 for awhile to keep our research rate up. We still have 61 GP.
                            WtL, sadly, sinks when the captain mistakes a whale for a tuna attempts to gather it in for dinner. We doff our hats for the valiant crew!
                            Lost Horizon, meanwhile, edges safely around the NW part of the island. I'll leave it for James to play with.

                            That concludes my 10t. 61G, 0-7-3, -1G, Writing in 12t.

                            I may need to wait until I get back to work tomorrow to post any screenshots!

                            Pages James the Scot!! You are up!!
                            Attached Files


                            • See if this screenshot fits:
                              Attached Files


                              • Holy *#$% ... you've got one heck of a lousy starting location there. I'd definitely have recommended a restart from that
                                <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
                                I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.

