First of all I would like to apologize for all for my recent absence. I have had some real life issues with work (Its only getting worse) and also my wife had to have an operation last week. Nothing serious but I had to play Mr Mom for a few days and of course take three days off of work which only compounds the work problem noted above.
I am now faced with two weekends away from home for my "other" job which is just compounding my ability to try and catch up.
And quite frankly since the holidays it seems like PBEM's have become more of a job vice something fun to do.
So feel free to substitute for any and all of my PBEM's.
I have a password I use almost universally for all my PBEM's and if someone wants to sub have them send me a PM. I *think* there is only one or two out of the whole batch that may have a different password in a game where I substituted for someone else.
And again my apologizes, I hope to be back to contribute to this community again sometime in the future but my input in the next couple of months will be minimal at best.
Keep CIVing in my absence
I am now faced with two weekends away from home for my "other" job which is just compounding my ability to try and catch up.
And quite frankly since the holidays it seems like PBEM's have become more of a job vice something fun to do.
So feel free to substitute for any and all of my PBEM's.
I have a password I use almost universally for all my PBEM's and if someone wants to sub have them send me a PM. I *think* there is only one or two out of the whole batch that may have a different password in a game where I substituted for someone else.
And again my apologizes, I hope to be back to contribute to this community again sometime in the future but my input in the next couple of months will be minimal at best.
Keep CIVing in my absence