Although they still haven't upgraded me to more than the crappy 2MB space I've had since I started my Hotmail account in 1999 or whenever it was, I still use Hotmail as an account name to give whenever I need to sign up somewhere on the Net - essentially a spam address, as I gather what many others use it for.
However, I have used it for PBEMs for some time as well, and recently I have noticed some changes to Hotmail - cosmetic only, I thought. As if to SPITE me, upon attempting to download a .sav attached to an email, I found that Hotmail considered it an 'unknown virus', thus preventing me from downloading it, forwarding it somewhere else so I CAN download it, or even changing any settings so I COULD do either of these things. WTF is this about? If a file extension isn't recognised it's an 'unknown virus' by proxy now?
Goddamn Hotmail.
I wrote and complained. Is anyone else having this problem?
However, I have used it for PBEMs for some time as well, and recently I have noticed some changes to Hotmail - cosmetic only, I thought. As if to SPITE me, upon attempting to download a .sav attached to an email, I found that Hotmail considered it an 'unknown virus', thus preventing me from downloading it, forwarding it somewhere else so I CAN download it, or even changing any settings so I COULD do either of these things. WTF is this about? If a file extension isn't recognised it's an 'unknown virus' by proxy now?
Goddamn Hotmail.
