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Succession game (AU Mod, Emperor level)

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  • #46
    710 BC
    Queen Isabela agrees to trade their Literature and 91 gold for our Code of Laws!
    Constantinople starts Great Library The race has started. So far we will finish it in 50 turns
    The Spanish build The Statue of Zeus

    690 BC
    Constantinople now has 5 population, 10 shields/turn. Great Library in 40 turns.
    The Americans started The Great Library

    670 BC
    Adrianople celebrates We love the Emperor day
    Inca have Monarhy, but we are locked in military alliance. In order not to loose integrity I have to wait.

    650 BC
    Heraclea is established once again in the same place as the first city was.
    Some changes in worker assignments in Constantinople, now Great Library ready in 34 turns

    630 BC
    Naissus found east from Giza. There is gold in the mountains to the east. Started Library there for cultural safety and avoid possible future cultural convertion.
    Now 12 shields/turn in Constantinople, Great Library in 30 turns
    Egyptians have Monarchy, but the price is large. I think that I might take it after all. Maybe in the next turn.

    610 BC
    The price for Monarchy is beyond our reach. Offering all the gold required, during the anarchy the whole payment and maintenance would require some buildings to be sold. I think if that might be better to maybe trade the technology and wait some turns to enact monarchy. Egyptians still lack 3 advancements, which they could trade any turn now from others. Then goodbye Monarchy...
    So finally Monarchy goes for:
    Code of Laws
    19 gold/turn
    470 gold lump sum

    Egyptians started Great Library
    Egyptians started Hanging Gardens
    Inca started Hanging Gardens

    570 BC
    Great Library in 25 turns.
    Summeria and Egypt signed military alliance against Inca. Looks like conflict escalates.
    Egyptians building Great Library

    550 BC
    Dyrrachium found on the most western edge of the Byzantinum Empire
    Map creation contest
    WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet


    • #47
      In the year 530 BC the Byzantium Empire changes its ruler.
      The Great Library has presently estimated year of completion in 23 turns.
      Monarchy can be enacted. This will remain decision of the next rulers.
      Turn 101 is unplayed, (only 2 workers a bit ahead... ) sorry, just forgot...
      Attached Files
      Map creation contest
      WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet


      • #48
        And this is our Empire in 530 BC.
        Attached Files
        Map creation contest
        WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet


        • #49
          The Demographics data:
          It's not that bad, at least Constantinople is in top 5 cities, as... the fifth city
          Attached Files
          Map creation contest
          WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet


          • #50
            ahh yes..I do have much to learn and will indeed as time goes by mature into the Successful succession Ruler that you all are indeed

            Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


            • #51
              Grandpa Troll, i was not able to defend Heraclea, but you will be happy to hear that after many years Byzantine citizens remembered that city and rebuilt it
              Map creation contest
              WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet


              • #52
                And now, we go and avenge it.
                Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by mart7x5
                  Grandpa Troll, i was not able to defend Heraclea, but you will be happy to hear that after many years Byzantine citizens remembered that city and rebuilt it
                  your deed of Honor..will not be forgotten will be recognized in a very public ceremony
                  Attached Files
                  Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                  • #54
                    Ok, I'm still not through AU 505 (Modern Times, World War II big time, lots of units to move each turn). But it's enough waiting for you guys, so I'm back to this game.

                    Ok, took a look at the save. Things look very unfamiliar (hey, that was the idea ), but we look very good.

                    First moves:

                    530 BC
                    • Switch some cities to workers and settlers. There's land free to be taken, and our possessions would appreciate some improving.
                    • Need some more military, otherwise some AI will finally get here and make us dead.
                    • Some more defensive diplomacy:
                      - Monarchy to Spain for 87 gold and a war with Sumeria.
                      The Wheel to Babylon for 48 gold.
                      - Buy a worker from Egypt for 115 gold. If it was in the capital, they are probably in trouble...
                    • [End turn]
                      Egyptians ask to prolong the alliance vs the Inca. Look what they gave (screenie below).
                    Attached Files
                    Last edited by Modo44; December 5, 2004, 13:50.
                    Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


                    • #55
                      holy sheesh ... that's a lot. They must really be in trouble ...
                      <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
                      I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


                      • #56
                        510 BC
                        • After the trade with Egypt, we can do Philosophy faster, running some debt from our cash pile.
                        • Adrianople finishes building a Library. It can produce Settlers every 4 turns, if given the proper tiles (the Irrigated Cattle tile and the mined Wheat tile behind the mountains), so that's what it's going to do now. Some serious expansion to be done, like I said.
                        • We're building the Greeat Library? What a waste of time. Switched to Statue of Zeus. For one, it's faster to build, to free Constantinople for other builds. Two, it gives free units, so we won't have to build too many.

                        490 BC
                        • Found Septum just south of Constantinople, to plug the hole in our borders.
                        • Some cities switched to Barracks after finishing what they were doing.
                        • I think we should seriously consider killing Egypt after the Inca are done trimming them. This would give us a chokepoint around Thebes, so we would be relatively safe from any aggression (Tip for Grandpa: AI is very bad at sea invasions, it needs a good land route to be really dangerous.)

                        450 BC
                        • Lower lux slider to 10%. Philosophy in 20 turns (247gp in treasury, 10% lux, 50% science, -11gpt).
                        • [End turn]
                          - Memphis (Egyptian) builds Temple of Artemis. Now we'll have their culture all over the place. So? We should go and kill them as soon as possible (after the alliance ends).
                          - Wonder cascade leads to Madrid building the Great Library. So I judged correctly. This means we might not even get SoZ.
                          - And we didn't. Washington builds SoZ. Shdt.
                          - Continuing wonder cascade, Tiwanaku (Incan) builds Hanging Gardens. Shdt, F*CK! This means that Constantinople will be auto-switched to Library.

                        430 BC
                        • [End turn]
                          Sumerians build the Great Wall in Ur.

                        410 BC
                        • Found Nicomedia north-east of Adrianople on a hill. See a horde of barbarians close by.
                        • Constantinople builds Library, starts Barracks. It will be making units for some time now, as there is nothing else to build, and there's no reason to make it lose population (8 citizens at the moment).
                        • Barbarian Horsemen closing in on Nicomedia. I fortify a spearman there.

                        370 BC
                        • Barbarian Horseman kills himself on the fortified spearman.

                        350 BC
                        • Arrrgghhh!
                        Attached Files
                        Last edited by Modo44; December 5, 2004, 13:51.
                        Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


                        • #57
                          330 BC
                          • Micromanage Constantinople to have exactly 10 shields output all the time. This leaves more productive tiles for nearby cities. At the same time Constantinople can build 2 units (Archer or Spearman - they cost 20 shields) in 4 turns, and a Worker on the 5th turn. The Worker is then built exactly on the same turn the city grows, so nothing changes and we get a Worker. If you find there's too many Workers, add the ones from Constantinople to other cities. I didn't want the capital to grow any bigger, because that would force us to push the lux slider up to 20%.

                          290 BC
                          • One of the AI civs has researched Philosophy, and took Mapmaking for free. We are only 5 turns from it, so I wont' buy it now. Now we need to kick someone, to get those techs.
                          • [End turn] Incas bring America to war with us. Good - they give us war happiness, and will pay for peace, because they are siply too far to get here.
                          • First Archer done in Constantinople.

                          270 BC
                          • Found Ancyra just north-east of Varna.

                          250 BC
                          • Massive uprising near Chalcedon. Somebody just researched Currency, and we just got dumped in the tech race.
                          • Move Curragh, to see a second barb camp. So we've got 30-40 Horsemen on our back. And there's possibly a camp or two farther north. Oh great, just great.
                          • I am still going to send a Settler to the hill at Ancyra 66.
                          Attached Files
                          Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


                          • #58
                            Not bad ... I wouldn't think to expect us to be ahead in tech at this point given the AU mod and the difficulty... darn those barbs, though.
                            <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
                            I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


                            • #59
                              250 BC
                              • [End turn]
                                - Our regular spearman kills 9 barbarian Horsemen from the eastern camp, before he dies.
                                - Sumerians start building Sun Tzu's Art of War. Yes, they got Feudalism for free.
                              • Building many Libraries for future generations (and because they are cheap culture - we're Scientific )

                              230 BC
                              • [End turn]
                                Spain and Sumeria sign peace treaty. The Spanish reputation is now broken, so beware of them in the future - they'll be likely stabbing people in the back.

                              210 BC
                              • Philosophy in 1 turn.
                              • Sign peace with Sumeria, they pay 40 gold.

                              190 BC
                              • Nobody will sell Republic, not even for 40gpt, so we'll have to research it. Set science to 70%. Republic in 7 turns, just when our treasury will be nearly empty. The plan is, obviously, to get to Republic and then start making enough cash to keep buying technology, possibly reselling it (although this will be difficult, unless there are many wars not involving us).
                              • American Warriors spotted near Trebizond. They still won't talk to us.
                              • Fortify 2 veteran Spearmen on mountains near the barbarian horde. That should stop them from mentering our lands.
                              • [End turn]
                                - Nicomedia gets pilalged again. There were 2 veteran Spears inside the city on a hill.
                                - The Spearmen farther north are both promoted to elites.

                              150 BC
                              • Inca won't talk.
                              • Americans wont' talk. 3 Warriors approaching, defenses should hold.
                              • Egypt has two Incan Workers for sale. we can't afford.
                              • Still many barbarian Horsemen around. Spearmen still fortified.
                              • Micromanage cities, so builds are timed with growth.
                              • [End turn]
                                - American warrior attacks our Spearman in Nicaea and dies.
                                - American Curragh attacks our Curragh in American lands. We win again.
                                - Border expansion in Chalcedon. We need that Iron connected, or we're dead.

                              Snoopy, it is possible to have a tech lead on Emperor this early. But some bad luck here and there can spoil it, unfortunately. Oh well, it would be boring if the game was won at this point already.

                              Good luck to the new Empress. I'm off to lead the Viking people now.

                              Aerial view of the Empire, 130 BC (beginning of the turn):
                              Attached Files
                              Last edited by Modo44; December 5, 2004, 15:25.
                              Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


                              • #60
                                Well, too few blue letters on this screen. But we're close to becoming Republic, so it sould get better, I guess.
                                Attached Files
                                Seriously. Kung freaking fu.

