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MP trouble: Out of sync

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  • MP trouble: Out of sync

    I tried my first MP game together with a friend on the other side of the city last week. Neither of us had tried MP before, so we are quite lost on this problem. Whenever we started a MP game, we got an error message saying that we were out of sync or something like that, in the start of turn 2 at latest. Then we were forced out of the game...

    Any idea of what can be wrong? We have good pings both of us(70-90 I think, green at least), and we're both behind firewalls. My firewall is the WinXP one, his I don't know, but he opened every port mentioned in the manual of Conquest.
    Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.-Isaiah 41:10
    I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalms 139.14a
    Also active on WePlayCiv.

  • #2
    I haven't played online in a while, but I recall mention that only the host may be behind a firewall. All other players must use a port regulating program or go DMZ. The gamespy website will have more up-to-date information than the game manual.

    I can't guarantee the accuracy of this information, but from what I've seen of this forum, it might be all you've got.
    Enjoy Slurm - it's highly addictive!

