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starting pbem reg game

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  • starting pbem reg game

    Hi, I'm new to Apolyton forums but experienced at pbem. Would like to start a C3C pbem, details to be negotiated. Probably max 6 players to keep things moving.
    Cheers, Bogor.
    Last edited by Bogor; July 17, 2004, 20:55.
    Beer is Life!

    C3C ISDG PAL Combat Information Specialist

  • #2
    I am interested

    my requests :::
    Huge map
    Restless Barbarians
    All the rest Random
    Gurka 17, People of the Valley
    I am of the Horde.


    • #3
      Thanx for posting Paddy. Do you want huge map so war doesn't start to early? If you like we could have no war till 2000bc or whatever & a large or std map.

      As for victory conditions, I would prefer all off, it's good to battle it out to the end. Also a rule I'd like is no picket fences, ie no lining the shores of an island with units so nothing can land. Also would prefer Continents but random ok if that's what majority want.
      Beer is Life!

      C3C ISDG PAL Combat Information Specialist


      • #4
        I just like huge maps is all

        yeah, turn the victory conditions off

        I like your no picket fences idea

        Continents sounds great
        Gurka 17, People of the Valley
        I am of the Horde.


        • #5
          Pfft. Are you -always- the Celts?

          I call Maya, with France for second, in case our host wanted them ^^

          to no picket fences/early rushes (kekeke 2v2 Zerg no rush! ^_^ V - *ahem* Sorry had to get that out of my system...)

          Continets are kewl too - I'm fond of wet climate and also warm/temperate - but if enough people want random, I can do that
          But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
          PolyCast | Girl playing Civ + extra added babble! | Yo voté en 2008!


          • #6
            Hey, I'll join.

            I'd prefer standard map...

            And random civs.
            XBox Live: VovanSim
   (login required)
            Halo 3 Service Record (I fail at FPS...)
            Spore page


            • #7
              OK, that's 4 so far, and lots too debate. I'm not in favour of random civs.
              To help keep the game flowing I'll need all your preferred playing times in EDT, so the turns can roll around the world. Must be in EDT, I don't want to have to try to convert them.

              I think I'll pick Russia. Although I may change my mind b4 kick off.
              Beer is Life!

              C3C ISDG PAL Combat Information Specialist


              • #8
                Hey guys, count me in. My choice of civ's would be Mayan but if that's taken I'll have to take another look. I'm from Sydney Australia which is at GMT +10. I have no idea what EDT stands for - can someone please explain and/or convert the time diff for me.

                Anyone up for playing accelerated prod/groth?? Makes PBEM's get off the ground a lot faster.


                • #9
                  I'm in Melb, we are 14 hrs ahead of EDT, but what I need to know, as what was asked, is what times you can play. AP is cool but I'd definitely want a no war period then so all players have an equal chance to develop, also some of us might want to rethink their civ choice if we went that way. I would prefer non AP for this game. I thought for my next pbem I'd make it a QC game. Maya is taken by Makahlua.

                  OK, if everyone can post their details & prerferences I'll start this in the next couple of days whether we get 1 more or not.
                  Beer is Life!

                  C3C ISDG PAL Combat Information Specialist


                  • #10
                    I Usually play my PBEM's about 5-6pm Sydney time although on Mon-Tue I don't get home until about 8-9pm.


                    • #11
                      Hi, I'd like to play too.
                      As it seems we are going to play to the end, I'll give another try to Germans. Continents are good for me. All the rest is indifferent.
                      I am on GMT+1. Now on July-August I am free since 16:00, but looking for the rest of the year, I use to play between 20:30 to 23:30.


                      • #12
                        OK, we got our 6, now I just need playing times in EDT (not GMT). This is very important as getting the order of play right will ensure turns are done faster.

                        So setup will be

                        No victory conditions
                        Restless Barbs
                        Std map
                        SGl's on
                        Cultural Conversions on
                        rest is random.

                        Special rules

                        No war until 2000bc
                        No picket fences
                        1.22 Conquests to be used
                        Last edited by Bogor; July 17, 2004, 20:59.
                        Beer is Life!

                        C3C ISDG PAL Combat Information Specialist


                        • #13
                          If you want playing time in EDT you might want to elaborate on what this stands for.


                          • #14
                            You're fine Rowan as you're in the same time zone as me, I just need all the others to post in 1 std zone so that I don't make any mistakes. Anyone else who insists on posting in other zones please convert that into EDT(Eastern Daylight Time) and post that too.

                            This is very important. I've gotten it wrong before & it's caused all kinds of delays to the game, I just want to get it right so that we can have nice swift turns!
                            Beer is Life!

                            C3C ISDG PAL Combat Information Specialist


                            • #15
                              Then if I'm not wrong, I use to play from 15:30 to 18:30 EDT

