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Iron Civer _Coliseum C_ Thread II

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  • Warwick conquered by two med infs. One suffered one lost HP, mike can see the other.

    trebs bombard Med inf to 1 HP - ancient cav kills. Mike can see it in the treb/med inf/pike stack

    --->>> 540AD onwards.
    The Best Multiplayer Game Ever


    • 540 AD --> Mickeyj


      • Onto Moonbars.

        Mate do you have a battle report for when you took No Resistors - i'm keen to see what happened to all those Pikemen.


        • Originally posted by Moonbars
          To Andy 510 AD


          Horsie attacks and captures warick.

          Trebs fire on Liverpool, most miss, but walls destroyed and both 4HP pikes reduced to 3HP. All med inf and cav attack, one med inf dies, archer attacks a 2HP pike and wins
          The Best Multiplayer Game Ever


          • --->>> onwards

            Trebs fireon portugese stack. Do 1HP damage to each Pike.

            Elite Med Inf attacks and kills Pike (1HP left)
            Vet Med Inf attacks and kills Pike (1HP left)
            Elite AC attacks and kills Pike (4 HP Left)
            AC killed by Med Inf - you get through the defenders..
            Elite Med Inf attacks and kills Med Inf - phew
            Archer attacks and kills Med Inf

            Moonbars is out of attack units, but he decides to take a huge risk and SENDS IN THE PIKEMEN!

            The last 4 HP Elite med inf kills 3 vet pikes, but then dies to a regular pike. Stack destroyed.

            Trebs fire on Marsielle - no damage inflicted.
            The Best Multiplayer Game Ever


            • can you resend the turn please


              • Guys,

                If I get the turn this evening I'll play it otherwise I'm away from tomorrow until the 2nd October, I'd prefer not to use a sub as we're in the middle of the battle. I'd like to freeze my time.



                • resent - no problems witha freeze here.
                  The Best Multiplayer Game Ever


                  • Talking of freezing I'm up your neck of the woods doing a quickfire tour of snotland with my mum who's over from SA.


                    • haha! it is PISSING down here now... bring your wellies! where abouts you guys headed?
                      The Best Multiplayer Game Ever


                      • Fairly standard stuff, inverness, Isle of Sky, Fort William, Edinburgh. Glascow doesn't even get a look in despite being europes city of culture a few years ago.


                        • goto St Andews as well if u get a chance.. nice spot.
                          The Best Multiplayer Game Ever


                          • How much would a tour of the ol' links run a body these days...?
                            Enjoy Slurm - it's highly addictive!


                            • ock, no idea... not as much as Lomond, that's for sure
                              The Best Multiplayer Game Ever


                              • Umm, sometimes I get lost having to look up too many phrases in my English -> American dictionary- Is MJ saying he's on vacation somewhere above...? Or is the turn sitting with Andy?
                                Enjoy Slurm - it's highly addictive!

