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Iron Civer _Coliseum C_ Thread II

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  • In the center, near the gems & Marseilles
    The Best Multiplayer Game Ever


    • Cannons fire on the city of Cattle Rusler. 8hps off musketeers.
      Longbow attacks elite cav, wins loosing 1hp
      Longbow attacks reg unfortified musketeer, wins loosing 3hp
      cannons fire on 3hp musketeer, 1hp off
      longbow attacks vet cav, dies inflicting 1hp
      remaining cannons fire on musketeers & cavs, 2hps off
      longbow attacks cav army, wins loosing 3 hps
      longbow attacks AC, wins loosing 1hp
      2hp Med Inf attacks elite 1hp cav, wins loosing nothing except for his life in the next turn i guess..

      1365 AD -->


      • Cannons bombard longbowman near Trenchtown to 1HP
        Cannons bombard stack till best defender is 4 HP Med Inf
        4hp Vet Cav attacks and kills that Med Inf, suffers 2 HP dmg

        3 Cannons Bombard stack, do 2 HP damage to muskets

        Musket attacks longbow and dies, LB promoted
        cannon redlines it again
        Musket attacks longbow and wins
        Pillaging carried out.

        3hp cav attacks and kills musket - promoted
        3hp cav attacks and dies against a now Elite musket..
        3hp cav attacks and kills elite musket
        3hp cav attacks & kills Med Inf, promoted for 1 damage
        6hp AC attacks & kills 1hp musket
        vet longbow attacks and kills 4hp vet longbow, 1 damage
        vet AC attacks & kills musket, takes 1 damage
        vet ac attacks and kills musket, 1 HP damage
        vet cav attacks and kills longbow - 1 damage
        vet cav dies attacking LB - LB promoted
        vet musket attacks and dies against LB
        Vet Musket attacks and kills Longbow - invaders destroyed

        cannon moves into barricade, does 1 dam to med inf
        reg musket attacks and kills med in, promoted for no loss

        Cannons near banana bar bombard their counterparts in the mountains.
        The Best Multiplayer Game Ever


        • An entertaining blow-by-blow,
          Enjoy Slurm - it's highly addictive!


          • A revealing screenshot of the map may be in order, perhaps?

            I can't believe you guys are still going at it circa 1350AD!!!
            So if you meet me have some courtesy, have some sympathy and some taste
            Use all your well-learned politesse, or I'll lay your soul to waste

            Re-Organisation of remaining C3C PBEMS


            • Andy is just stumped as to what to try next ;-)
              The Best Multiplayer Game Ever


              • yup, both just had or having our golden ages as well.
                The Best Multiplayer Game Ever


                • Sorry for the slow pace chaps, I realise this is the last of the iron civers and everyone is keen to get cracking with the final. New born babies tend to soak up a lot of free time!

                  --> Moonbars


                  • here we go..
                    Attached Files


                    • ah bless! congratulations mate!
                      The Best Multiplayer Game Ever


                      • Congratulations mate, it seems like those lightening seesions won't be the only thing keeping you up all night...

                        Again, well done!!
                        You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


                        • Thanks guys. He was 1 hour old in that photo!


                          • 6 Cannon do 5 damage to city near trench town
                            3 Med Infs attack and kill 3 muskets, for 0 1 and 2 damage
                            Cav attacks and kills musket for no loss - city taken.
                            Pillaging conducted.

                            17 Cannon reduce Freedom's defender to a 2 HP Musket.

                            Vet cav dies against musket
                            Vet cav redlines but wins against musket
                            Flying Frogs kills 3 redlined muskets and capture city, for loss of 3 health.

                            Vet Cav attack Traveller and dies
                            Elite AC attacks traveller and dies
                            AC or CAV, attacks traveller and dies

                            3 ancient cav attack and withdraw
                            3 cav attack and win - city taken, cav in bad shape

                            Cannons in Fort near gems fire on Enemy Muskets. 2 damage.

                            Save to Daddy.
                            The Best Multiplayer Game Ever


                            • Wow, another massive strike by Moonbars.....Andy's forces must surely be in disarray by now? Is an end in sight?
                              So if you meet me have some courtesy, have some sympathy and some taste
                              Use all your well-learned politesse, or I'll lay your soul to waste

                              Re-Organisation of remaining C3C PBEMS


                              • My 8 turn army production should garantee an end eventually..
                                The Best Multiplayer Game Ever

