I got a strange mail last Saturday. The text said "The Civ IV development project manager at work", and there was a picture attached, on which an elderly, angry looking man stamps a pile of paper with a huge yellow rubber stamp, which says "FUQ IT" (spelled properly of course). All walls and the floor of the room are covered with papers stamped this way. The mail was addresses from the "One Eyed", from an Australian address (which I won't post here). I can't post the picture here either, even if it's tempting, but it would break forum rules. I admit, that I found it mildly amusing.
Why I am posting this here? Because people from this forum are the only ones to know this email address. On other forums, I use a different identity and other email addresses, so it can't come from there. It can't be simple spam, either. It's too special.
Now admit it, who of you punks sent me this mail?
Especially those fishy people from Oz. Yes, Paddy, this means you too!
Why I am posting this here? Because people from this forum are the only ones to know this email address. On other forums, I use a different identity and other email addresses, so it can't come from there. It can't be simple spam, either. It's too special.
Now admit it, who of you punks sent me this mail?
