MFCamillus(Byzantines) ffarth at verizon dot net
conmcb25(Chinese) conmcb25NOSPAM@bluemarble.net
Arnelos(Romans) arnelos AT aol DOT com
snoopy369(French) snoopy369 at yahoo dot com
Rommel2D jwala at fastmail dot fm
Tiny Pangea w/70%water
Roaming barbarians
Monarch level
C/T/A random
Cultural Conversions and SGLs ON
Accelerated Production
Elimination Mode
Here is IC e/e point 1-2 and the optional clauses, in effect for this game:
1-2 Players shall not exchange in-game information until they are represented on each other's foreign advisor's screen. They shall not exchange graphic map information before both have knowledge of Navigation.
a) In diplomacy without an embassy between the Tribes, a player may only offer technology already known by their Tribe. They may not offer or ask for unknown techs.
b) Players shall not coordinate military action unless an alliance is formally declared in the foreign advisor's screen.
c) Players shall not make reference to specific distances or directions until both have knowledge of Map Making.
d) Players shall not make Mutual Protection Pacts or Trade Embargoes unless they are declared in the foreign advisor's screen
Combat Reporting: Level 1> Passive
A summary of combat results is required to be sent to the defender if, and only if, they make any sort of inquiry soon afterward.
['soon' should allow for a few turns to realize a unit is missing, but could only be one turn cycle for simplicity if the attacker insists.]
From the Conquests manual:
When this victory condition is enabled, victory can be swift indeed. Under this rule, when you lose a city ---- any city ---- your entire civilization is eliminated from the game. The last civilization remaining wins the game.
When this victory condition is enabled, victory can be swift indeed. Under this rule, when you lose a city ---- any city ---- your entire civilization is eliminated from the game. The last civilization remaining wins the game.
If it has been over 24 hours since a turn was last played, please send me notification as I may not have time to check this game as frequently as I would like...