I stopped research since I got Monarchy, so I had some cash. They were not all upgrades, however. Some were pre-builds, switched to complete after I connected iron.
No announcement yet.
Originally posted by Krill
I think that this is on topic, but is this PBEM like a normal game? IE, do most games play out like this?) more intense because of the small land amount and tiny map.
Originally posted by jshelr We're just getting warmed up
1150 to jshelr
/edit: i played with about 16 colors or so, 640 resolution (damn my friend has crappy comp) and six-pack of beer intoxicationi hope i did not make any grave errors
Last edited by Conqueror; June 4, 2004, 19:24.
May the force be with us
ok, you've got another target-rich environment. hope you guys are tired
sentAttached FilesIllegitimi Non Carborundum
We are.
Veteran Gallic kills Greek Hoplite - 3HP left
Veteran Horseman attacks Mongol veteran Spearman - retreats
Veteran 3HP Gallic attacks Mongol elite spearman - retreats
Veteran Archer kills Mongol veteran Swordsman - 1HP left
Veteran 3HP Gallic attacks Mongol veteran Swordsman - dies
1125 sent
if you get an offensive MGL, do you report it? If yes, do you still report it if you are attacking from a city?
So far, out of 5 battles, I have only won one? You see why I like pillaging?
regular Archer attacks fortified veteran GS (0 range-bombard- 0 damage)- Dies
regular Archer attacks fortified veteran GS (0 range-bombard- 1hp lost)- Dies
Hey alex, Hoplites are better pillagers than chasquis. Especially when people refuse to attack them.You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.
Mongols retreat. Sent
It's interesting that the celts are not really in need of tech after iron and a government. The next unit after GS that the Celts really want is the Cav. By then it will often be all over. So, the reduced price of the GS may actually have gone too far. (Sure looks like it to me now)
Illegitimi Non Carborundum
postedAttached FilesIllegitimi Non Carborundum
Veteran GS attacks regular Hoplite - retreat
Veteran GS attacks regular Hoplite - retreat
Veteran GS kills regular 2HP Hoplite - 3HP left
Elite 4HP GS kills regular 2HP Hoplite - 3HP left
Elite Horseman kills Persian veteran Horseman - 4HP left
Elite 3/5 GS attacks Mongol Elite Archer - dies
1100 sent