on to Spain, through the Arabian sands...
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C3C Tournament : Game 1 , thread #2
War declared on Arabia and the following message sent to the Arabs:
"The Ports declare war on the luxury-rich Arabians. The Portugese believe the Egyptians and the Spanish civilizations will shortly also take part in the Great War of Luxury Liberation."
Good huntingIllegitimi Non Carborundum
The honorable (or honourable?) Arabs refused to fold up and go away during the seige of Damascus
all vets--knights are port's
knight beats spear 2hp left
knight beats spear 3hp left
sword beats knight
sword beats knight
knight beats sword 3hp left
knight retreats from sword -- all arabs have swords now
knight wins promoted to elite
knight wins 2hp left
knight winds 4hp left
knight retreats
knight retreats
knight dies
knight retreats
knight promoted to elite
knight wins 2hp left
knight dies
Supply of swordmen appears endless -- particularly for a civ that was probably anticipating the joys of chivalry?
Our foes still have their iron and show no signs of surrender. Officers in the army are complaining that the attack was premature -- but do you want to fight these guys after upgrades?
See you next turnIllegitimi Non Carborundum