Well mates, here is the thread. I am just assuming that Rasputin will want to join in the three player pbem PTW game.
The proposed settings are going to be.
Scenario....snOOpys terrain X.......(just a graphical change)
World size Huge or Large up for debate
Civs 3 Random Human and 5 computers
Avg age, Avg temperature, Continents
Roaming or Restless Barbarians
Monarch difficulty
Also there was mention in another thread about adding in additional starting units. If you guys want then we can do this and redistribute the .bix file for everyone to install and then play with the additional units of maybe a couple of settlers and a few warriors to get a quicker starting position. Its all up for debate from here on out.
The starting .bix file is a modified snOOpysX terrain with 40 starting gold, 2 Settlers, 2 Workers, and a Scout for each of the 3 Human players. I think expansionists still get their extra scout but others will get one at the start but cannot build more. If there are other things like dates and oasis bonus resources terrain tiles for the deserts you like let me know and we can add them in also. Its all up for grabs as far as I am concerned.
The proposed settings are going to be.
Scenario....snOOpys terrain X.......(just a graphical change)
World size Huge or Large up for debate
Civs 3 Random Human and 5 computers
Avg age, Avg temperature, Continents
Roaming or Restless Barbarians
Monarch difficulty
Also there was mention in another thread about adding in additional starting units. If you guys want then we can do this and redistribute the .bix file for everyone to install and then play with the additional units of maybe a couple of settlers and a few warriors to get a quicker starting position. Its all up for debate from here on out.
The starting .bix file is a modified snOOpysX terrain with 40 starting gold, 2 Settlers, 2 Workers, and a Scout for each of the 3 Human players. I think expansionists still get their extra scout but others will get one at the start but cannot build more. If there are other things like dates and oasis bonus resources terrain tiles for the deserts you like let me know and we can add them in also. Its all up for grabs as far as I am concerned.