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C3C PBEM Tournament: Game #4

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  • to opd


    • 110bc to BigFree
      Gurka 17, People of the Valley
      I am of the Horde.


      • C3C Tournament #4 to OPD 110 BC


        • OPD are ya out there mate?
          Gurka 17, People of the Valley
          I am of the Horde.


          • I'll resend it


            • 90bc to BigFree
              Gurka 17, People of the Valley
              I am of the Horde.


              • to opd


                • 70bc to BigFree
                  Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                  I am of the Horde.


                  • C3C Tournament #4 to OPD 70 BC


                    • Originally posted by BigFree
                      Well, it may also be that he realized that he would not be able to play his turns regulary; or it could be a combo of the two.

                      Or, it could just be he realized it was a losing battle and didn't want to have to subject nye or anyone else to that kind of position.

                      Thanks for the game ET.
                      Hey all, it's been a long time.

                      Here is a brief AAR (I might get a more detailed one going sometime).

                      First off, I had known for a very long time, that there was no hope for me in this game, unless I was very, very smart & Lucky (more of the luck than the smarts). As you all know, I have a knack for micromanagaing/future planning to the point of almost obsession. I was looking forward to playing this game and was doing my best to excell in it.

                      My start wasn't the best (Plains & Flood Plains) with a various mix of others. I had moved my settler to a better spot on a River and was looking to have the flood Plains Irrigated/Roaded for faster growth & Max Trade. Started Researching [EDIT] Warrior Code, I got Pottery from a Pop'ed Hut.[/edit] After a fist few scouts, started a Granary. Around this time, I had my pop up to size 43 and growing fast with the granary ready to be completed fairly soon.

                      Then Disaster struck, and not once but twice in a row. I lost 1 pop to Disease, [EDIT] (on turn 19) [/edit] but that was not too bad, it would only mess things up for a few turns, it was recoverable. But then, it happened again, the very next turn and at this point, I knew that this game was over for me, no matter how things were to progress from that point. My only Option was to do my best to help some of the other players and work against the "900 lb Gorilla", i.e. BF. Also, the Geo-political positioning of the map had helped deside that point, with Korea (at that time SR) to my north west and BF to my north. PDS was way off to the NE and on the other side of BF, so my options were very limited. It to either attempt to go out with a blaze of glory or to just quit at that time. My only real assets was my Sci/Ind traits, so I worked as much to help exploit them.

                      Hehe, they really didn't help in the long run, as I was sooo far back in the curve that is wasn't really funny. And as I was also having major domestic issues, I was really about to give up for several turns. I basically had run on my MM intuition and not even bothered with any plans at all. I was expecting to die relatively soon as SR was famous for his archer rushes.

                      But then he had quit and OPD had taken over. By this time, I had done some research into Bombardment mechanics and the results had given me enough of a "push" to start my micro-planning again with the hope for Cats & Treb units in combination with Immortals & Pikes, I could seriously attempt to Hurt all but a very concerted push against me.

                      But that had also required getting to MA ASAP (and the free tech-I did ger feud), to which I had made several deals to that end. BF was behind in techs and with this deal, he would have a long time to catch up, which would allow me the time to get set up as much as possible and He would have to work hard to over take me. My tech alliance (which was supposedly, also a Military one, too) fell apart when PTS, who it had turned out, was BF's vassel, had given him the techs and that advantage was gone. At the same time, OPD was fighting BF and I was harrassing BF with a few horsemen. OPD had Iron, but it was a ways away from him and he lost his workers from the end of age barb uprising. So, he was forced off the contenent and BF had also captured SOZ from OPD. The situation was mostly hopeless.

                      My only hope left was to get to Engineering and possibly a SGL, to help with things and keep BF from having an easy time at me. The RGN godz gave and the RGN godz took away. In the end, it was only a matter of time before I was gone, no matter what would happen, because BF had captured most of my Cats (in 2 lucky fights) that I could have prevented, if I wasn't having to keep up multple fronts and try to keep up some form of reserve, incase of a third front opening up for the Former Korean lands. I was in a feudal GA and building furiously, but that loss and his approching Army was just too much.

                      So, with my fradgile mental health (dealing with depression) and my domestic life in full ruin, it was better, in the long run, that I just quit in the way that I had done. I had faught as much as I could and I had really seen no point in continuing. Atleast I had done the best that I could have done, considering the very early disaster.

                      Anyways, later for now,
                      Last edited by E_T; June 11, 2005, 11:43.
                      Come and see me at WePlayCiv
                      Worship the Comic here!
                      Term IV DFM for Trade, Term V CP & Term VI DM, Term VII SMC of Apolytonia - SPDGI, Minister of the Interior of the PTW InterSite Demo Game


                      • E_T

                        thanks for the game mate, and thank you for this report
                        Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                        I am of the Horde.


                        • Thanks E_T. I hope your life is getting back on track.


                          • so any idea what now
                            Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                            I am of the Horde.


                            • I dunno. What were the rules/designs of this game anyways? Were there suppose to be two people going to the next round from this game?

                              BTW, why do you rank as "Prince" now?


                              • not sure what the rules are these days, and no word from ADG either...

                                and me a better Prince than Deity
                                Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                                I am of the Horde.

