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Who is interested in building a Medieval Mod PBEM when Conquests comes out?
You know its your own fault the Danes are attacking you. By making the rule that we can't take the AI's cities and with England being run by the AI he's only left with France and Burgundy.
Sent to CerberusIV.
Empress Slutmuffin is quite content with the peaceful world the Empire lives in. Although she oft wonders what ever became of Rome, Gaul, and the other provences. And why are these pesky desert nomads skulking around her cities?
Originally posted by Masuro
Not skulking, picnicing
Fortunately I started out with connecting roads and can shuffle my Spearmen around to make it appear I have them in every city..............
Originally posted by Masuro
Silly Orthodox Christian person . . . . .
The Muslim people only want peace with their neighbours. And someone to help defend against those nasty Western Europeans
Originally posted by GhengisFarb
You know its your own fault the Danes are attacking you. By making the rule that we can't take the AI's cities and with England being run by the AI he's only left with France and Burgundy.
Since the Danes have run out of Frankish coastal cities they will, no doubt, eventually get around to the Mediterranean.
Turn to SirOsisNever give an AI an even break.
Originally posted by CerberusIV
Nothing in that rule to stop the Danes destroying the English, driving the Rus out of the Baltic and turning it into a Danish lake. After that they would be virtually unchallenged in Scandinavia and the British Isles. Then again, they will have to build some new berserks first.
That's why the Danes are having to attack you.
I had a look back at where we discussed this. It seems to depend on where you draw the line between "pruning" and wiping out. Didn't say you can't raze an inconvenient AI city or two, just that you can't wipe them out entirely.
Doesn't really matter to me now. Nantes is next for the trashpile anyway.Never give an AI an even break.
Since I brought up this rule, a word of clarification. It was intended to stop players from growing at the expense of the AI, which would have been a pretty unfair advantage, since not every player has equal "access" to an AI civ and in the early scenario it is much cheaper to take an AI city than to build an own, especially since from the SP scenario everyone knows where the defenders are and how many. That's why I brought up a ban of taking AI cities while allowing to raze them.
By the way, nothing in this rule said, that the Danes have to go berserk from turn 1. They have chosen so themselves and will pay the price.
I guess I misunderstood the rules. I thought you could attack AI cities as long as you didn't keep them if you won. I have done this to a few English cities. If I had known I would have put all my forces against the Franks. As of now he's only seen 1/3 of my forces.
Are we allowed to attack and raze AI cites? Also, if I kill the last English king the English will be wiped. Is that allowed?
SirOsis: Make sure to leave the last English Monarch in a city other than the western most one. (You can check the scenario map in the Conquest folder to tell which one I am talking about.) When you kill the last King unit all of the civ and its units are destroyed INCLUDING any Holy Relics it posesses. I found that out the hard way when I was playing it SP. So you should try to take the Holy Relic BEFORE you kill the last King unit if you want to gain control of it.
That western most city holds a King unit and the Holy Relic. I don't think the AI is likely to move them around much but if you leave units around it they will eventually attack you with the Holy Relic and you can just pick it up.