I think England gets cheated with that UU. For a huge chuck of the modern age they were the dominant empire on the planet. That unit just doesn't do them justice.
I'm thinking an replacement to the Musketman would be better. The British Regular or "Redcoat" unit would be a lot more useful. During the height of their empire the British Regulars were the elite fighting force of the world. I'm not sure what the best combination of traits would be best thoough. Maybe a +1 on both offense and defense OR +2 offense and same defense...
I'm thinking an replacement to the Musketman would be better. The British Regular or "Redcoat" unit would be a lot more useful. During the height of their empire the British Regulars were the elite fighting force of the world. I'm not sure what the best combination of traits would be best thoough. Maybe a +1 on both offense and defense OR +2 offense and same defense...
