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Muhammed Saeed al-Sahaf would make a great civ3 leaderhead

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  • Muhammed Saeed al-Sahaf would make a great civ3 leaderhead


    Some people just naturally look like civ3 caricatures:

  • #2
    You're right.
    "When we begin to regulate, there is naming,
    but when there has been naming
    we should also know when to stop.
    Only by knowing when to stop can we avoid danger." - Lao-zi, the "Dao-de-jing"


    • #3
      great, great


      • #4
        Hehehe, that guy's great. He's probably the only member of Saddam's regime that people around the world actually like.


        • #5

          Great link.

          That man actually really was unbelievable in his propaganda-lies.

          What a talent of making a fool out of himself ...

          " Deal with me fairly and I'll allow you to breathe on ... for a while. Deal with me unfairly and your deeds shall be remembered and punished. Your last human remains will feed the vultures who circle in large numbers above the ruins of your once proud cities. "
          - emperor level all time
          - I'm back !!! (too...)


          • #6
            If you reinstalled the game and didn't patch it, the AI could be a close approximation. :-]

            Did Firaxis fix that 'airport update' bug?
            Enjoy Slurm - it's highly addictive!


            • #7
              If someone found this guy now, he´d probably be saying that they have occupied America or something

              BTW, isn´t this off topic?
              And ever after, sun shone upon the land of Sunshinia...


              • #8
                He was a diplomat in Sweden before his career as truth-bender for Saddam

                But USA wasn't very truthful either, so you Americans shouldn't laugh that hard.
                You claimed control over cities many days before they were actually liberated...


                • #9
                  the parallels between civ and 'civ' are staggering.
                  The 'art' of information is nothing w/o the 'fine art' of disinformation.Our beloved 'civ' is only a game, true, but what brings it to life is the human element. The ability to form,mold a game through strategy and abilities. The use of enuedo and wit,charm,truth, lies, and misrepresentaion are all used effectivelly by only the most skilled civers(of course this is a MP thing,hard to lie to the computer...).
                  Many occasion has it happened that an opponent "inadvertantly" leaves 'on' the chat while talking about an invasion or deal(s) against an adversary.This is a very effective form of mis directing or confuseing opponents.Surely we all have seen the victom,about to be utterly destroyed(24 swords suddenly appear on a lonely beach near a quite town)and the victom resonds;surely you don't want to start a war with me,a big mistake...when in fact it is an obvious attempt at self prservation.Perhaps the victom Does have 20 swords on boats convienently passing your lands en route to another civ,esily rerouted to your shores as well.
                  From experience, I have used these and many more simular tatics with great success,and on occasion,failure too...

         far as your beloved Iraqui, he is a wise man as is evident by his ability to live a long life so close to Saddam.His comic (mis)represeentation of facts and figureskeeps him alive and in a position of power.Saddam always seemed a big fan of the ole' shoot the messenger bit.Always present good news and you will always be good(alive).
                  Yes he is a goofy lookin fella too
                  "It's really just a question of your honesty...But glittering prizes and endless compomises shatter the illusion of integrity." - Peart


                  • #10
                    I read somewhere that he´s dead...hung himself in the outskirts of Bagdad...
                    And ever after, sun shone upon the land of Sunshinia...


                    • #11
                      But USA wasn't very truthful either, so you Americans shouldn't laugh that hard.
                      You claimed control over cities many days before they were actually liberated...

                      Don't mix journalists up with americans.
                      Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                      Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                      • #12
                        Absolutely good idea. My words are backed with Iraqi information ministers.
                        "Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver


                        • #13
                          More like:
                          "My words aren't backed by chemical, biological nor nuclear weapons"
                          Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                          Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by CyberShy
                            More like:
                            "My words aren't backed by chemical, biological nor nuclear weapons"
                            What exactly is that suppoused to mean? Saddam has used chemical weapons in the past on his own people, and I don't know about you but I could not really picture a powermad murderous tyrant like him willingly disarm.

                            If they are not inside iraq they have probably hid them somewhere else, the US have already accused syria of harboring leaders from the iraqi regime. Would not be too unthinkable that they've hidden these WMD over there as well.

                            [sarcasm]...but of course that's just the bush regime picking on "another peaceloving" country... in their quest for world domination[/sarcasm]

                            ...I hate the EU it's full of hipocrites, they accuse the US of just being after the oil (steal the iraqi wealth), when that's exactly what they have been doing themselves for years. (not stealing oil but doing profitable business deals with the brutal iraqi dictatorship)


                            • #15
                              You miss the catch then, CS.
                              "Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver

