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Collected Mods ][

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  • Collected Mods ][

    Here are some of the unit changes that I've been using. Some are from the original thread, but many have been collected from related topics.

    -deadly bombard

    Aircraft Carriers:
    -add one movement
    -transport 6 or 8 units

    Artillery (regular):
    -deadly bombard
    -deadly bombard (cannons and up)
    -movement of 2

    Artillery (radar):
    -deadly bombard
    -movement of 2
    -range = 3

    Gallic Swordsmen:
    -lower cost by 10 shields

    -adm of 6.6.3
    -adm of 4.3.2 with no terrain restrictions
    -adm of 6.6.2 with invisibility, no terrain restrictions
    and/or add
    -all terrain as roads
    -hidden nationality
    -detect invisible

    -load flag checked
    -rebase flag checked (?)

    -adm to 8.10.1

    -treats mtns., hills as grassland
    -change movement to 3

    -add fortress build
    -add road build

    -adm of 8.6.2, 8.8.1 or 8.8.2
    -upgrade to paratrooper

    -adm of 6.8.2 or 8.8.1

    Have I forgotten any? What mods do you use?

    Pirated from posts by Warpstorm, MoonWolf, Stuie, Oerdin, Artifex, Cereberus, Wilbil, Sisawat, MadBomber, and others
    cIV list: cheats
    Now watch this drive!

  • #2
    Attached is my custom mod, which is a work in progress. I've played one complete game with it. Then I made some ammendments and am just about to start testing the new version. Here's a short list of what it does:
    • “Defensive bombardment” - Certain types of units possess defensive bombardment: bombardment strength and rate of fire values with a zero range value. These units cannot initiate stand-off attacks, but will employ them when attacked.
    • More accurate naval combat - A larger disparity between naval units of different eras. Whereas the more diffuse nature of combat in Civilization III (compared to Civilization II) works well for land encounters (in my opinion), it is a setback for naval encounters. Ironclads ended the effectiveness of wooden sailing ships, likewise modern warships can easily annihilate ironclads. Submarines can attack with impunity.
    • A larger emphasis on infantry - Under default settings, the endgame is entirely dominated by mobile units. Nice in theory, but a poor reflection of reality. As such, armoured units have increased cost, slightly reduced combat proficiency and limited mobility (unable to traverse mountains and jungles).
    • A new government! - Now you can institute Socialism, or “nice Communism”, to govern your huddled masses. No more forced labour camps, now you pay them overtime. Power to the people!
    Other Things:
    • Certain improvements (such as factories and things) make people unhappy.
    • Re-jigged upgrade chains. No more obsolete units clogging build lists!
    • Submarines are more effective!
    • By using this mod you will be more popular with boys and girls!
    Attached Files
    Col. Rhombus

