I have a few ideas as to how to balance the traits somewhat. I'm working from the assumption that Industrial is the most powerful trait, which seems to be the majority opinion.
Industrial - same as before
Scientific - +10% science*, can build Research**, otherwise same as before
Religious - no longer has revolution bonus, +10% luxury*, otherwise same as before
Expansionist - has revolution bonus, otherwise same as before
Militaristic - -1 war weariness***, no drafting penalty in WLTKD****, otherwise same as before
Commercial - +10% tax*, otherwise same as before
* Say the civ is getting 10 gpt, and has tax 30% sci 50% lux 20%. If they were scientific, they would actually have tax 30 sci 60 lux 20. Same thing for religious and commercial (for lux and tax, respectively). Yes, they essentially get 10% extra gpt
** Essentially wealth, except it creates beakers instead of gold. Also, researchers in a city building Research produce twice as many beakers.
*** Refers to the war weariness setting of the government it is in. None = 0, low = 1, high = 2. Thus, a militaristic civ in a Monarchy would actually get a happiness BONUS for being at war, and in Democracy would only have a slight penalty.
**** This ties in with the war weariness thing. If a city in a militaristic civ is in WLTKD, then it won't suffer happiness problems from drafting.
Industrial - same as before
Scientific - +10% science*, can build Research**, otherwise same as before
Religious - no longer has revolution bonus, +10% luxury*, otherwise same as before
Expansionist - has revolution bonus, otherwise same as before
Militaristic - -1 war weariness***, no drafting penalty in WLTKD****, otherwise same as before
Commercial - +10% tax*, otherwise same as before
* Say the civ is getting 10 gpt, and has tax 30% sci 50% lux 20%. If they were scientific, they would actually have tax 30 sci 60 lux 20. Same thing for religious and commercial (for lux and tax, respectively). Yes, they essentially get 10% extra gpt
** Essentially wealth, except it creates beakers instead of gold. Also, researchers in a city building Research produce twice as many beakers.
*** Refers to the war weariness setting of the government it is in. None = 0, low = 1, high = 2. Thus, a militaristic civ in a Monarchy would actually get a happiness BONUS for being at war, and in Democracy would only have a slight penalty.
**** This ties in with the war weariness thing. If a city in a militaristic civ is in WLTKD, then it won't suffer happiness problems from drafting.