Bubba, some of those things you want are in a mod called Double your Pleasure. Perhaps you could check it out?
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The Next XP
How about a UU for each era for each Civ? That way there are no more 'early Civ's' or 'late Civ's' in terms of power. I'd also like to see multiple GA's, but not tied to UU's wining a battle; more like your Civ accomplishing something significant like build a certain number of improvements or discovering a new religion or technology. It would be differen things for each Civ. The rewards for warmongers are still to great; I would attempt to tone that down a bit more by making the defense bonuses for fortification higher.
Dark Ages
When a civ reaches high levels of corruption and unhappiness, has a chronical lack of culture and ... well, in other words has a high level of decay, it would enter in the opposite of its Golden Ages, the Dark Ages. In its Dark Ages every civ would produce less commerce, culture and production, its cities would be more likely to revolt and join other civs, no great leaders and some other negative effetcs that would last for 20 turns."The only way to avoid being miserable is not to have enough leisure to wonder whether you are happy or not. "
--George Bernard Shaw
A fast word about oral contraception. I asked a girl to go to bed with me and she said "no".
--Woody Allen
Originally posted by Pirog
I like the idea of having colonies...even if you place the current Hidden Palace in a perfect way you can never get an Empire like that of the British.
What should be changed is how damn strong the overseas enemy can be - but once again, the operative word is "can". Often, your cavalry can come up against spearmen, or pikemen, overseas... if you're bad-ass enough at home.
It is hard for a "small" civ such as real-life Britain to accomplish this task, but more experienced players than I could do it, for sure.You can't fight in here! This is the WAR room!
hi ,
more traits , unit trading , bigger era's , bigger tech tree , more units , thats about all that should be in it
lets hope its around near X-mass
- LEGIO PATRIA NOSTRA - one shot , one kill - freedom exists only in a book - everything you always wanted to know about special forces - everything you always wanted to know about Israel - what Dabur does in his free time , ... - in french - “Become an anti-Semitic teacher for 5 Euro only.”
WHY DOES ISRAEL NEED A SECURITY FENCE --- join in an exceptional demo game > join here forum is now open ! - the new civ Conquest screenshots > go see them UPDATED 07.11.2003 ISRAEL > crisis or challenge ?
Originally posted by BigFree
How about a UU for each era for each Civ? That way there are no more 'early Civ's' or 'late Civ's' in terms of power. I'd also like to see multiple GA's, but not tied to UU's wining a battle; more like your Civ accomplishing something significant like build a certain number of improvements or discovering a new religion or technology. It would be differen things for each Civ. The rewards for warmongers are still to great; I would attempt to tone that down a bit more by making the defense bonuses for fortification higher.
More UU's!!! I'd love 4 for each civ. It could be difficult to implement though: what do you propose for the Ancient UU of the Americans for example? Maybe there could be some UU's shared by some civs? Or perhaps 4 UU's, but not for each distinctive era? Imagine eg the Americans having two UU's in industrial en 2 UU's in modern era? They would make a very strong modern civ (as in real life) and in a game one might consider to not let the Americans grow too big or too strong for too long, as their later UU's could change the ingame balance of power?
But no doubt that more UU's spice up the game !!
Concerning the multiple GA, 2 or 3 sound good (1 is soooo lonesome ...).
AJ" Deal with me fairly and I'll allow you to breathe on ... for a while. Deal with me unfairly and your deeds shall be remembered and punished. Your last human remains will feed the vultures who circle in large numbers above the ruins of your once proud cities. "
- emperor level all time
- I'm back !!! (too...)
Re: The Next XP
Originally posted by Bubba
The Next XP
1. Three new Civs: one for South America (Inca?), one for Asia, one for Africa/Europe (Dutch/Portuguese/Ethiopian?);
3. Some tweaking of the UUs, so that the American, British, and Korean UUs can bring on golden ages. My suggestion would be to give these and only these units lethal bombardment capabilities. If that were done these "useless" UUs don't seem so useless.
4. Creation of new a semi-UU for each of the cultural groups (which I cannot seem to remember the names of, so I apologize for any errors). Some possible suggestions: European = Crusader/ Trebuchet/Crossbowmen, American = ?? (brainstorm: how about a unit that can both move on land and on the water, I’m picturing someone portaging on land and canoeing on the water or perhaps some sort of revolutionary/special ops with invisible nationality?), Mediterranean = ?? brainstorm: Cataphract or Slaver with invisible nationality to capture workers?, Asian = ?? (brainstorm: how about an assassin, like an early cruise missile or a partisan that operates like Civ II?), Middle Eastern = Camel with an attack advantage over horse units. I would welcome suggestions.
8. A new wonder (Eiffel Tower?) that once created allows one Civilization to ask another Civ to stop their war with X or else.
12. A new government of some sort: I propose Colonialism/Empire which would act like communism in leveling out corruption and allow someone to replicate the British experience with more success than is currently possible. I know others are partial to Fascism.
13. Some tweaking to the Modern era (with an additional advance or two; brainstorm: Cryogenics?) so that it is a little more difficult to build the spaceship and one gets the chance to use some of the modern units that are then available (brainstorm: how about adding a couple of more parts to the ship or another small wonder as a prerequisite: Mission to Mars perhaps?).
3. Yes, good idea, or better: get rid of them and implement better ones. These UU's are simply a disgrace to gamers of those countries (the usefullness of the man of war --> what a joke, sure Firaxians must have noticed this too I presume ?
4. yes, or simply more UU's and more units
8. new and more wonders, yes
12. more governments, yes
13. ok
In short, I also tend to agree with Panag
AJ" Deal with me fairly and I'll allow you to breathe on ... for a while. Deal with me unfairly and your deeds shall be remembered and punished. Your last human remains will feed the vultures who circle in large numbers above the ruins of your once proud cities. "
- emperor level all time
- I'm back !!! (too...)
- Complete scenario abilities, at least on par with complete Civ2's
- Unit Trading. Please, please, please, please, pretty please. It would be a real pleasure for a diplomatic mastermind
- Allowing units of different Civs on the same tile"I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
"I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
"I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis
Yes, unit trading (and gifting). I've been playing GalCiv some lately and one of my favorite features is giving units to a race to attack someone I don't directly want to go to war with but wouldn't mind seeing tied up in a hard war (and the AI will do this too!).Seemingly Benign
Download Watercolor Terrain - New Conquests Watercolor Terrain
My suggestions:
- In the beginning of the game, To choose one between several UU by civ.
- To be able in the beginning to choose feminine or masculine leader of the game, for example, in the Egyptian to be able to be Cleopatra or Ramses.
New buildings:
- Mills: They increase the production at early times of the game.
New Wonder:
- Consejo de Indias: This reduces the corruption in the continent where you construct it, it cannot be in the continent where you have the Palace.
New units:
- Helicopters Apache, to attack units from the air.
- Antiaircraft missiles.
- Appearance of naval leaders to form Navies.El futuro pertenece a quienes creen en la belleza de sus sueños.
- Eleanor Roosevelt
hi ,
the units trading should be without the technology of the unit (!)
- LEGIO PATRIA NOSTRA - one shot , one kill - freedom exists only in a book - everything you always wanted to know about special forces - everything you always wanted to know about Israel - what Dabur does in his free time , ... - in french - “Become an anti-Semitic teacher for 5 Euro only.”
WHY DOES ISRAEL NEED A SECURITY FENCE --- join in an exceptional demo game > join here forum is now open ! - the new civ Conquest screenshots > go see them UPDATED 07.11.2003 ISRAEL > crisis or challenge ?
Actually, unit trading wasn't in in the first place (after some debate among Firaxians) because they feared the feature would be abused by players dumping their old units to AI-civs, and let the AI pay big money in upkeep.
The AI cannot refuse gifts, even if they are poisoned, and it was tricky to code an evaluation of such gifts, so the idea got scrapped.
Today, I have thought of a very simple way to prevent this kind of abuse : make it impossible to give / trade units that are obsolete for the reciever. High-tech units are still welcome."I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
"I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
"I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis