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Resource Always Reappearing Bug

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  • Resource Always Reappearing Bug

    You'll have to excuse me if this has already been discussed, but I did a search, and I didn't immediately see anything...

    However, I've noticed that on ALL my games (Civ III - classic, no PTW) patched with 1.29f, when a resource disappears (like iron) it ALWAYS reappears either in the same spot or right next to the old spot. I get the message (which is something like) "This source of iron has been depleted," immediately followed by "A new source of iron has been discovered."

    Is this normal? I highly doubt it.

  • #2
    Well, luckily your geologists are very skilled, and they discover that those old ore sites still have a lot to give.


    • #3
      LOL --

      I employ dwarves


      • #4
        There's a screenshot thread on CFC about that. Apparently it occurs to a lot of people and seems to behave differently in some computers than others. And well, it's an obvious bug, but on the other hand it's easier that way, when you dont have to fear losing your only source of iron that much. Never happened in my games though, but it looks funny: screenshot.


        • #5
          Yeah, we don't know why it happens, but sometimes it happens.


          • #6
            They should disapear, then re apear, but then they should begin to not apear.

            Like in the real world, they keep on finding new oil sites, but eventualy we will have none!
            Help negate the vegiterian movement!
            For every animal you don't eat! I'm gunna eat three!!


            • #7
              Ah, but in case your wondering whether iron should or shouldn't reappear, once the map is made, there are a fixed # of resources. So when 1 disappears, it reappears somewhere else on the map on the same turn. It's when it reappears on the exact same spot over and over again that's the bug.

