i've never liked the hidden nationality trait since the AI doesnt seem to use them very well. the other unit that makes since for is a terrorist unit. i gave guerillas invisible and made them cheap and the AI uses them kinda like the iraqia are doing how, harassing rear areas and wounded units. otherwise, you are very correct that guerillas are useless.
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80 Barbs! WTF!
invisible guerillas also can be an unpleasant surprise attack. I was beating up on the Celts when my ottoman buddies decided they wanted a few celt cities too. since the celts didnt have any guerillas according to my spy, i didnt have any of my own in the area. when i finished off the celts, the ottomans went from being gracious to being at war with no warning. to my horror, they had landed tons of guerillas all over the former celtic lands and they started taking out roads and lightly defended cities. Luckily they had only captured a few celt cities which i quickly overran then went on a guerilla hunt. i'm still not sure I've killed them all, but they sure have tied up a ton of my forces that could be used elsewhere.
I thought about giving them the all tiles as road flag, but i figure they are more than annoying enough just being invisible. unless you can see the invisible unit, it does not leave your territory with non-invisible units when demanded. another thing i just learned the hard way.
Cloaked guerrillas could make a effective way of snatching massed workers deep in enemy territory.
Because most people don't have workers in their inner territories defended.
But yet, PTW should have added a terrorist, I would have been all over that"I like to consider myself a virus, I spread and consume natural resources, then I leave my former home baren and cold, what am I? Why, I am YOU !"-Mr. Waffleberry
what's wrong with having terrorists? they were in CTP and CTP2.
this is a game people, it's not about politic, it's about fun.
There are many other elements in the game, which are even more evil than terrorists, such as unprovoked attack on another civ, mass murder, etc. Why should terrorists be singled out as politically incorrect?
Sept-11 is really a sad thing, I have sympathy with everyone who suffer from it. But, it has already effected our American thinking in so many ways, for god's sake let's not let it get into the way of gaming.==========================
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I hope that too, but what I think is that the idea will cause too much turmoil and problem to Firaxis and Sid to go on... so 11/9 will prevail, again.
I think it's absurd as well, but I never expect much from people who censure musical clips with airplanes and airports just because such thing happened. Like anyone would have ideas or forget that.