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80 Barbs! WTF!

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  • 80 Barbs! WTF!

    There I was, planning the 'winning of the hearts and minds' (at the club and sword) of Persia, Babylon and Zululand when 24 Barbs turn up in the South. This wasn't regarded as a crisis until the 24 Barbs turned up in the NE followed by 24 more from the NW. This was followed by a constant flow of every barb, barb granny, cat, dog and gerbil!

    Where did they all come from?
    On the good side all those damn barbs slaughtered every AI settler looking to get a piece of my real estate.
    And I got so many elites it wasn't funny. So I shouldn't scream too much. But it was a madhouse watching all these barbs running everywhere being chased by the odd archer and spearman.

    This ever happen to anyone else?

  • #2
    Yes. There is a lesson to be learned here - Once you find a barbarian encampment, DESTROY it. Don't just ignore it as, well, it's only a barbarian encampment - what do I have to worry about? If they are ignored, they will multiply like bunny rabbits!

    So, you need to constantly be patroling the areas of your map that you don't actually have "eyes on," because they (the barbarian encampments) can and will crop-up from one turn to the next.
    "One day if I do go to heaven, I'm going to do what every San Franciscan does who goes to heaven - I'll look around and say, 'It ain't bad, but it ain't San Francisco.'" - Herb Caen, 1996
    "If God, as they say, is homophobic, I wouldn't worship that God." - Archbishop Desmond Tutu


    • #3
      If you don't take care of barbarian camps soon enough they will make a major uprising, coming in great stacks, ant that's probably what happened to you. (I don't remember the minimum Barb-setting for this to happen)
      Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


      • #4
        Damn' you were faster then me

        But what setting is it on at first?
        Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


        • #5
          And if you've been on these forums a while, Soren let us in on the secret as to when these uprising happen. i.e. they are triggered by a certain event in the game.

          The uprisings used to happen in my games a lot. Then as I played higher levels, the faster REXing of the AI (and myself from learning how to REX faster) cut out most of the undeveloped land early and I haven't seen one in about 20 games or so...


          • #6
            To me, the key is in what badams said: faster REXing. Whenever I can pull it off, no barbs to annoy me.
            I watched you fall. I think I pushed.


            • #7
              The "hordes" appear after two Civs enter the second tech era....


              • #8
                Yes, expanding quickly is a good way to avoid it, and also hunting down barbarrian camps. However I'd also like to know what actually triggers them.
                Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                • #9
                  you are missing the advantages of fighting tons of barbs...easy elite units. I dont let any barb camps survive if they are too close, but if they want to cram 3 or 4 camps close together 10ish tiles from me, more power to them, especially after the first era change. Since PTW, the barbs stacks split alot and you can send in teams of 3-5 units to get experience. Once a unit becomes elite, it heads off to the nearest AI battle front. I've had numerous games of over 20 GLs because almost all my units fighting AIs are already elites by the time they get to the front. the key is to keep the barbs chasing your teams and dont attacking cities, because if they get fixated on a city, then you have a fight on your hands. my current game has 2 unpopulated islands that had barb camps on them. its now the modern era and I am assembling tons of marines to get battle experience. there must be over 100 barbs on each so all the assaults will come directly from the ships and no marine will ever go aground.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by candybo
                    The "hordes" appear after two Civs enter the second tech era....
                    actually, the hordes show up after 2 civs enter any new era. you might not see them for later eras tho unless you've left enough room open for barb camps to spring up. barbs against medieval/industrial/modern units are nothing more than cannon fodder.


                    • #11
                      You need to be careful about entering a new area. I had units in place to wipe out a barb camp and foolishly started a round of tech trading. Next time (still on the same turn) that I looked the barb camp that had one horseman that my archer was about to destroy suddenly had an extra eight horsies because my tech trading had taken two civs into the medieval. That little mistake cost me an archer and a spearman. Something I won't do again.
                      Never give an AI an even break.


                      • #12
                        Barb camps should evolve with the passing eras. That would make them more troublesome, and worth the fight.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by pedrojedi
                          Barb camps should evolve with the passing eras. That would make them more troublesome, and worth the fight.
                          it makes no sense to see barb with tanks and bombers though.

                          Artistic and hand-made ceramics found only at


                          • #14
                            Well, they could have guerrillas at most, perhaps with a few special traits of their own.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by pedrojedi
                              Well, they could have guerrillas at most, perhaps with a few special traits of their own.
                              I modded guerrillas to have 'hidden nationality' and 'treat all terrain as road', really good way to piss people off and screw up their tile improvements. In late industrial age, when the tech for it comes around, guerrilas are just too weak to do anything other than that.
                              Now, if there's a random chance the identity of your guerrila will be exposed and the nation who u trying to mess with will get mad at u, and declare war, that will be even more fun.

                              Artistic and hand-made ceramics found only at

