Actually, I too was a diehard opponent of the "everything has to be 3d" thingy until very recently, when I understood the biggest advantage of 3d : graphic flexibility. I have put some thought in putting Civ4 into 3d, and I really didn't see the drawbacks of such a thing :
- putting the graphics in 3d doesn't force any drastic gameplay changes. There is no need to change the way cities are selected, or units are moved : for example, there is no need to set an altitude to your planes. The game still mostly reasons in 2d.
- however, it allows a proper display for such gameplay changes (like terrain defined both by elevation and climate)
- at a normal zoom level, a 3d Civ map barely looks "round", but rather looks about as flat as a 2d map would be. There is no more need for fast and furious camera moves in a 3d environment than for fast and furious scrolling speed in a 2d environment.
- I think an aerial view of the map, like the one we have now, is the best view we can have in a TBS. 3d doesn't hinder us to have such a view, even though it offers the possibility to explore new ones.
- The 3d translation would be botched if it forced the player to change the camera angle to select a city / unit, or to get some info.
In short, a good 3d translation would make possible many new possibilities. A bad one would force them. It is a strong feeling that Civ3would have no interface change, should it be 3d. ADG, do you think 3d would have forced changes to Civ3 interface, had Civ3 been 3d ?
- putting the graphics in 3d doesn't force any drastic gameplay changes. There is no need to change the way cities are selected, or units are moved : for example, there is no need to set an altitude to your planes. The game still mostly reasons in 2d.
- however, it allows a proper display for such gameplay changes (like terrain defined both by elevation and climate)
- at a normal zoom level, a 3d Civ map barely looks "round", but rather looks about as flat as a 2d map would be. There is no more need for fast and furious camera moves in a 3d environment than for fast and furious scrolling speed in a 2d environment.
- I think an aerial view of the map, like the one we have now, is the best view we can have in a TBS. 3d doesn't hinder us to have such a view, even though it offers the possibility to explore new ones.
- The 3d translation would be botched if it forced the player to change the camera angle to select a city / unit, or to get some info.
In short, a good 3d translation would make possible many new possibilities. A bad one would force them. It is a strong feeling that Civ3would have no interface change, should it be 3d. ADG, do you think 3d would have forced changes to Civ3 interface, had Civ3 been 3d ?