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Train Wrecks

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  • #31
    Well, I have a way of seeing the problem as just a temporary one, since I like to make extensive use of pilaging, which gives the railroad and rodoviary system a great problem when the time comes to a counter-attack. And, if anybody tried it, gives a great blow to the AI priorities and tactics.

    If the RR could be "airlift" equivalent, then the problem does not change, if it is "instant troop reorganization". When it gets latter in the game, I think it is reasonable that we can get "instant" movement, specially if you think that that unit is not a troop, legion, batallion or something, but a representation of forces that moved during that time of the year; each battle could be just a representation of many battles that culminated with a determined outcome.

    But that's just me.


    • #32
      An airlift equivilant would change the problem- forces reaching their destination would not be organized enough to attack or fortify until the following turn.

      Looked at in isolation, the RR system makes sense. Try looking at any other part of the combat system the same way and it is absurd.

      I'd prefer not to think about the dates when it comes to combat- too many glaring inaccuracies. Everything else about the game seems to flow pretty well (except those riflemen vaporizing armies of panzer divisions in cultural conversions)-: until large RR covered continents come along.
      Enjoy Slurm - it's highly addictive!


      • #33
        The most sensible option:

        CtP2 reduced the movement bonus of railways and introduced monorails which were even faster. I think that railroads should have, say, a x5 movement bonus, increased to x10 when you research electronics or similar tech. Representing the transfer from steam engine trains to high speed electric railroads.

