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Poll : Random acts of nature

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  • #16
    Any other comments for this thread? I write a long post and it disappears off page one!


    • #17
      Yes! Random disasters should make a reappearance from CivI! I enjoy a mean game. I want my own Pompeii, fires razing my cities to the ground, devastating earthquakes ruining half a continent and all of the fine stuff that Lung proposed!


      Originally posted by Lung on 05-18-2001 08:11 PM
      Any other comments for this thread? I write a long post and it disappears off page one!

      Hasdrubal's Home.
      Ceterum censeo Romam esse delendam.


      • #18
        I'm all in favour of "natural" events affecting the game provided they are factored into the game balance. Outbreaks of disease and bad healthcare was the primary cause for low population growth and small cities for centuries, not the existance or lack of a temple or aqueduct. Fire was a constant terror. Unfortunately I don't think we are going to see that sort of shift in gameplay with Civ 3. Civ has always been about the external threat of foreign empires, not the internal threats. Hence we are not going to see an armada or even a single ship destroyed by freak storms or an unstoppable army retreat home at the death of their monarch. One of these days someone will come up with an imperial model that has you worry about internal stability but this isn't going to be it. On that basis an occasional event that destroys a building or point of population just seems silly and intrusive. The Civ boardgame approach of halting or restricting harmful events through the construction of certain buildings is better but still not ideal. The boardgame centres around the concept that cities are easy to create and easy to lose. In Civ the computer game the loss of a developed city is almost irreplaceable.
        To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection.


        • #19


          • #20
            myy keeys stiicks


            • #21
              I don't like natural disasters. Its not one a strategic enough level. You say that cities on the coast will be more likely to have baracks to ward off pirates? Please, everyone builds barracks in every one of their cities (unless there solo and going for a pre 1000 BC AC landing)
              "Everything for the State, nothing against the State, nothing outside the State" - Benito Mussolini


              • #22
                Here's just a vote.
                Yes I'm in for that.
                And they should be unavoidable by a saving/restarting manouevre when they occur.
                What about a more structural natural hazard, erosion

