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best GAME

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  • #16
    To Imgod2u: Birth of the Federation?! Now, that's probably the worst turn-based strategy game ever desived. It's slow, boring, and too resource-consuming. Did you try any other space conquest game?
    "The most hopelessly stupid man is he who is not aware he is wise" Preem Palver, First speaker, "Second Foundation", Isaac Asimov


    • #17
      Birth of the Federation is fun. Yes . . . there are some goofy things in it but, overall, I think it's a good game. I especially like how all the player turns are conducted at the same time.


      • #18
        Birth of the federation

        Oh, it did have a few good ideas: minor civs, borders and simultanous actions. I also preffered it's colony management option to MOO2 (less micro-management, more control and made more sense). I also liked the "wonders", so to speak.
        On the other hand, it was a few major step backwards. Let's skip technology and design and say that is because it's an existing universe. Ok. whats's up with diplomacy? That was way worse then MOO2.
        The game was also too slow: upgrades were too costly, and population grew far too slowly. It took ages for your population to grow to a reasonable size. It would have been well if you could transfer population, but no! Technology didn't even help: it was just way too slow. Technology also took an unreasonable time to progress, and didn't give too many benefits when it did. Add this to the extreamly slow gameplay, and huge resource consumption... the game was just SSSLLLOOOWWW.... Arrgh. Even for a turn-based game.
        "The most hopelessly stupid man is he who is not aware he is wise" Preem Palver, First speaker, "Second Foundation", Isaac Asimov


        • #19
          Age of Wonders is rated for a P166 and is fun if you like fantasy. You'll need to get the latest patch, but that is true for almost every game nowadays. Heroes of Might and Magic III is another fun fantasy game. EU remains my favourite though.
          To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection.


          • #20
            It seems harder and harder to find good strategy games nowadays. Most is just boring RTS that feels more like arcadegames than strategy in the tradition of Civ. I even saw Diablo II under the strategy part on a gamersite, that's just scary.

            Europa Universalis is one of the better games around at the moment. Never liked ctp and haven't even tried ctp2.

            There's always colonization. It's old but worth trying if you haven't yet. You should be able to find it for free somewhere...

