Having seen the info on specific units now, they are specific, are variations of standard units, may be turned off, etc., I have concluded the following:
In Civ:ToT, units each had values that could be flagged, allowing a Civ to build or not build them. Hence, some units could be built by the alien races, some only by humans. It seems that if this basic concept is carried forward, it should be easy enough for us to deal with.
That is, if the 'can build' flag for the Roman Legion is 0000000000000001 with the last Civ being the Romans, and the 'can build' flag for Zulu warriors being 0000000000000010 with the second to last Civ being Zulu, it's easy enough for the on/off switch for the special units to mask all sepcial units to all 0's. But ALSO, there should be an ability to flag all 1's! That is, any Civ can build any special unit without exclusion. Now personally, I think that an additional option should allow the first discoverer of a tech to build the special unit associated with that tech (first to research Mobile Warfare can also build Panzer, first to Iron Working can also build Roman Legions).
Failing such an automatic ability, the ability to modify rules files should allow us to get where we want to go, so I could modify manually the flags to flag 'can build' for all civs in the rules...